General Question about prog/job math

What is the most important math skills for a programmer.In other words, if I was to expand my math skills beyond the curriculum of the University is there any really important math courses recommended?

Also looking for possible "skill sets"...

As well as what specific math skills that would/could make me more valuable.

Last is there a way to perfect my present programming skills, so that when the opportunity does arise I will not be completely lost?

Thanks for any response....

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Math skills are usually not that important for programming. It depends on the field you want to work.

Last is there a way to perfect my present programming skills, so that when the opportunity does arise I will not be completely lost?
Yes: practice. As a beginner it won't be wrong if you can show some code.
Math is more thinking than numbers and programming requires ability to think ...
Just being logical would help you out although I have read (in another post) that trigonometry is very much required for 3d stuff and Linear algebra is also pretty useful...
Vector math and matrices if you're planning to do any physics/graphics, especially games.
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