right triangle using asterisk where the height starts on the right corner

Hello Guys!

Can't seem to figure this one out. can some explain to me how to create the program for this problem?

1. Write a program using WHILE statement that displays a right triangle using asterisks where the height is at the left corner of the application. The height will depend on the user input.

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What have you tried so far?
Hello Ganado!

I am very sorry but i have not started it yet, because i can't think of a way how to do it, maybe you can give me a hint or if you can explain it to me how?
Before you start writing any code, think about it logically. Try and work out, in natural language, what the steps are that would produce that triangle you want.

There are clues in the question. You've been asked to use a loop. Therefore, there must be some action, or set of actions. that can be repeated to produce the triangle. Think about what that action or actions that might be, that would be usefully done by a loop.

Think about the relationship between each such action, and the next. Is there a consistent change you can make between each iteration of the loop and the next, such that each iteration produces the effect that you want?

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