How to capture the URL

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to copy the URL of a website automatically and store it in a .txt file using C++ or if that would be a Java Script solution/problem?
What do you mean by "copy" the URL "automatically"?
Are you the keylogger guy?
Are you trying to spy on someone?
No, I don't want to use a keylogger. I am wanting to see the websites that my Kids are going to and the only thing I want 'logged' is just the URL. By copy I mean when they type in it will take the URL and place it in to a txt file with the date and time they went to that site and by automatically it dose it by itself without having to physically copy and paste. It dose it 'behind the scene' with no input from them. And yes I have tried looking up their browser history but they just delete it.
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Look into greasemonkey/tampermonkey. It uses javascript.
Tampermonkey worked for a while until they (My 15 year old and 12 year old) learn to disable it. That is why I am trying to figure a way to copy the URL and send it to a txt file that is under a password protected hard drive that only my wife and I can access.
I don't know how to do that.
Maybe look here:
Thanks I will take a few hours to view this and get back to you.
Okay I found that you can make a log when '.com' is typed and it is then put into a txt file but I have no clue on how this can be written. It's been 10 years since I have taken/Used C++.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
I assumed that something like the following might do and it doesn't need any programming.
No Go to
CTRL+F kilt; open their tab and all she said is "You don't need any library.
Just use COM (Notifications)" You have to read the original question of course.
Okay. I read it. It means nothing to me.
But I know nothing about this kind of thing.
So I'm giving up.
Good luck.
Well thank you for your guidance. I will update this if I find anything that is helpful.
> And yes I have tried looking up their browser history but they just delete it.
You tried it, confronted them about something you found and they learnt something.

> Tampermonkey worked for a while until they (My 15 year old and 12 year old) learn to disable it.
You tried it, confronted them about something you found and they learnt something.

So each time around, you reveal "how you know" and they then learn to figure out a way to bypass it.

This isn't a race you can possibly win.

This is where it ends.
my 2 cents..

you are out of practice at coding, if I understood you, and you want to do something that is fairly advanced (security that can't be easily disabled is not trivial). And, what you want to do is something that someone out there probably has wanted to do before you.

This begs me to say a few things to you.
1) find a free or paid for solution to this. It will be better than anything you can make quickly. Its out of my league too but I believe you can force their machine through a proxy that can trap what they been doing, and they can't disable that because if you do it right, their machine can't connect to the net without the proxy (force this) and the proxy does the logging (they can't mess with this). You may also look to see if your ISP provides a service that you can use; it may even be free.

2) Parenting 101. Its none of my business, but just a thought: if your kids are disabling the logger / parental controls, then they are up to no good and need to be banned from the web for 1 months, including all wireless devices. Double the penalty every time they break the rule: 1, 2, 4, 8 … months at a stretch will soon either have them banned until they are over 21 or following the rules. Explain this up front. They also won't be allowed to go to friends' houses to bypass you during this time, as a form of grounding.

3) If the kid's have a lesser than admin login, you can set up security so they simply cannot disable the programs. Deny them from modify the registry, installing software, killing the monitor program/service, and so on. They must not be allowed to add new user accounts or access UAC.

4) there are other easier snarky things you can do. Its not that hard to write a program that monitors the parental control program and if it is not running, restarts it, just check it every 45 seconds or something. You can also log when it is running and when it restarts the controls, to see what is going on. This should be a background process so they can't see it without knowing what it is. Look at what is already running and name your program like the OS services and it will blend in.

your kids are probably not expert hackers. Put in a little R&D time and I feel confident you can beat them at this game. And take #2 to heart... figure out WHY they are turning it off and what they are up sooner rather than later. Its true you can't win this against an expert, or even very competent superuser, but I doubt your kids are there yet. When I was in college, I defeated the security in the new computer lab in 15 min after the lab opened for the first time. A super-user can get past all the simple stuff like its not even there, so doing it RIGHT is going to take some effort.
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The OpenDNS solution I linked to above is free and simple to set up and the only hint that it exists is on the router itself. Just change the admin password and don't tell the little monsters.
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