Beginners - April 2012 (Page 64)

by mkb84
reading from file using functions
Hi guys just joined the forum this is my first post blah blah.... now that that's out of the way lol I am working on a program that requires a file to be ...
[1 reply] : (by Moschops)
How?? very simple question C++
How do I put the input between<angle brackets>? I wanna see like that..after prompt the user to enter the input.. How many miles round-trip a day do you com...
[7 replies] Last: What is the question, do you want the number to be enclosed in bracket... (by youngcoder)
Arguments for system()
Is it possible to have arguments for the system command. For Example, system(gcc %s, "Main.c");
[1 reply] : Build the whole command into a string. std::string s("echo beans on ... (by Moschops)
can i write GUI apps with one or both
I apologize if this question is not meant to be asked in here but can anyone tell me the difference between wxWidgets and wxSmith, are both GUI toolkits.
[1 reply] : wxWidgets is a set of libraries - the compiled code and some useful he... (by Moschops)
programming with pic c
Hi everyone, I'm trying to set a code using 18F452. This code allows you to save data to an SD card from an ECG device then retrieve them on PC. I have alre...
[no replies]
Need help voLume of room
Hi need some help with the following task: Write a program that wil compute the volume of a room. User inputs are the height,width and length of each room. ...
[17 replies] Last: Everything you need is already in this post. Someone posted the code ... (by MrHutch)
can i write GUI apps with one or both
I apologize if this question is not meant to be asked in here but can anyone tell me the difference between wxWidgets and wxSmith, are both GUI toolkits.
[no replies]
CoLab Project.
Hey guys I was just wondering if anyone wanted to work on a Collaborative project with me. I'm learning C++ and projects with other people is one of the ways I...
[no replies]
how to return multidimensional array
how to return multidimensional array that is in the function. in the function ı want to take integers for the array and then ı wan to return them into the ...
[8 replies] Last: You can do it for example the following way int main() { int **arr... (by vlad from moscow)
Dynamic Memory Allocation for Single Variables
Hi Guys, I was having a little trouble with dynamic memory allocation. Can anyone please tell me what is the purpose of dynamically allocating a single variabl...
[8 replies] Last: You presume correctly. Oops. =) (by cire)
Beginner program!
Ok so im a beginner and dont know alot of stuff yet but i want a project thats just purley time consuming! Can any one give me a project that will take literal...
[2 replies] Last: Honestly, as a beginner doing small projects is better. If you take on... (by BHX)
by Xrs2zz
[7 replies] Last: yw (by Krahl)
trying to get my program to repeat itself
I am trying to get my program to repeat itself only if the user wants it to this is what i have come up with so far but it doesnt work it gets to the first in...
[7 replies] Last: wow umm some of that stuff seems a bit out of my reach atm im just sta... (by rawrburst)
by hvigil
Eulidian Algorythim
int gcd( int x , int y) { int r = x & y; while (r != 0) { x = y; y = r; r = x % y; return r; } } is this the correct way to find the GCD???...
[1 reply] : I think it's simpler than that. The main problem is that you have re... (by Stewbond)
Single Linked List Question
Hey everyone, I'm writing a program that uses a single-linked list and I'm running into two hiccups that I can't figure out. The first is that my pop() meth...
[5 replies] Last: Well with a stack I can only access the top element of the stack, so ... (by Zhuge)
matrix multiplication with menu
/***** The prompt i have is : use a class with 3 member functions named InputMatrix, Calculate, and OutMatrix. The program will prompt the user to (e)enter the ...
[no replies]
c++ pointers beginner
Hi, I'm new to c++/pointers, I'm having a little hard time with them I'm using VS2010(clr project) compiler, it may be irrelevant. #include "stdafx.h" #inclu...
[4 replies] Last: Is that method newArr can works for resize dynamic array? (by beyond the time)
class constructor error
#include <iostream> //Include input output stream #include <cstring> //Include C type string #include <cstdlib> //Include for use of atoi using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: tried that but it does not solve the problem strtok doesn't like it ... (by Danishx83)
Stream/opening files trouble
The given instructions are: Given the availability of a file named numbers write the statements necessary to read an integer from standard input and then re...
[3 replies] Last: a code snipet would help tydiscloud (by patchesOhulihan)
Displays a vector
Hello, I'm having some trouble making a program that asks for any vectors (of any size) and then outputs them. I intend to modify this at some point to calc...
[5 replies] Last: If you want to use the same code you are already using you could just ... (by Hucaru)
April 2012 Pages: 1... 6263646566
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