Beginners - December 2014 (Page 4)

problem functions
hi i created this programm, but now i need to divide it by functions, one for creation of points, an other for center of mass, an other for rotation and an othe...
[4 replies] Last: redefinition of formal parameter 'arrY' You have (correctly) defined... (by mutexe)
Login system
How do you make a login system on stdio.h. I am using c by the way. char username ; char password ; printf("Enter Username: "); scanf("%99s", &username); if ...
[14 replies] Last: Except that it doesn't look like C at all, especially the first two li... (by S G H)
Unexpected output with code to finding the largest prime factor of a large number
Hello All. I was trying to find out the highest prime factor of a very large number(600851475143). I wrote the code as follows: #include <cstdlib> #incl...
[11 replies] Last: but it is not running It should run as it is essentually your code wi... (by MiiNiPaa)
Is this setup ok?
Hi, My classes are going to be started for C++, I'm already good with C language & I'm going to have a new laptop that I intend to use for programming only. Is...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much Sir, really helpful :) (by PrinceT)
Getting an error when checking if a key exists in a map
sf::Texture* TextureManager::GetTexture(std::string name) { if (!textures.count ) std::cout << "Could not get texture [" << name << "]." << std::endl; ...
[9 replies] Last: Solution with find is faster and more readable. With a multimap it ... (by dhayden)
Hey there are my first 2 games and i want to implement graphics and audio in them
Here is the link with the games I'm new to c++ and I want to know how can I implement graphics and audio to my games.
[1 reply] : (by MiiNiPaa)
by Jun77
reading and writing a link list from file
i am trying to make a simple project . which can read and write a data in form of linklist form file. i searched alot but i dont make any sense, i need algor...
[2 replies] Last: tnx dear andy (by Jun77)
How to turn a txt file into a string
I'm trying to turn a txt file into a string so far I have got the program to write words into a txt (one per line) and am trying to get it to bring them back i...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks the second worked the best (by Althalus)
Whats wrong with my calculator?
it's not printing the answer of the sum towards the end. Instead it says process returned 0 (it doesn't print the sum of the numbers). Please help! #include ...
[5 replies] Last: (by Zhuge)
Finding new memory address?
(I tested the address because I was getting errors and I found out the address changed before it was deleted, by the time the delete is called the titlePTR has ...
[1 reply] : duplicated (by ne555)
Get boot Time
Hi, trying to get boot time programmatically Example:
[3 replies] Last: are there another Function? Why? All you need is a little math. S... (by AbstractionAnon)
About spaces and commas
I have the following code, but I have got the feeling that the line beginning with 'numofspaces +=' does not work as it should be. It should add the number of s...
[no replies]
Scrollable list in C++
I'm trying to create a scrollable list (array of strings) set in a window. I have four variables that are used to determine the placement of the viewable elemen...
[1 reply] : I should have added that I'm using Borland C++ v3.0 in a DOS box. (by Anthony Forwood)
Help me with r
How do I generate a vector n with the small letters from a to j (in random order)?
[1 reply] : This might be useful. (by Callum5042)
Can my computer process 60,000 If statements?
Hello, in a part of my code, I am checking the length of strings. There are about 60,000 strings to be checked. If I change the number of strings to be checked ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you guys, more precisely, thank you m4ster r0shi! Your code work... (by sakonpure6)
How to store string into 2D Array in C
Hello! I am trying to store words in a .txt file into a 2D array of type char. What am I doing wrong? Because whenever I run the program, my main debug sequ...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you , I solved the problem! (by sakonpure6)
by nbro
Assigning to a const char* a char*
What exactly happens when I assign a char* to a const char* ? For example, suppose I have first allocated a char pointer with the following snippet of code:...
[3 replies] Last: A pointer is a variable that holds a memory address as its value. ... (by keskiverto)
need better instruction book
After reading only two chapters of the 2013 edition of _C++ Primer_ I have absolutely had it with that book. It's laid out like a dense reference manual for exp...
[4 replies] Last: Lazy Foo only teaches SDL and OpenGL. (by Avilius)
fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
So I am constructing my final for my C++ class, and I am cruising along, but then I get this weird error message that I have no idea what it means. 1>----...
[5 replies] Last: (by closed account SECMoG1T)
Checking if there is a space after the first integer
A programming task that I'm doing says as one of the steps that the user has to input two numbers with a space after the first number. Here is a link to the tas...
[6 replies] Last: Alright, I've updated it (by deathslice)
December 2014 Pages: 123456... 55
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