Beginners - July 2015 (Page 33)

Problem with Class constructor
Hello Everybody . I'm new to the C++ community and environment too. Anyway , I was trying to code a tiny portion of a RPG game in console and the problem come...
[9 replies] Last: I use Codeblock, and the problem was into the property of Character.h ... (by jj09786)
stack overflow newb question?
Just a noob question from a beginner learning c++ a stack frame wich is not executable, for clarification is it due to a function over load of the template? ...
[3 replies] Last: No apology necessary. Can you elaborate on your question? It sounds li... (by dhayden)
show directory/createprocess
hey, what is the code to show the contents of a file: C:\FOS also, what would be the line to run another exe in the same window like CreateProcess please ...
[1 reply] : What do you mean by 'show'? You can use FindFirstFile to get the cont... (by coder777)
running other files (1,2)
hey someone gave me this code to make a command execute an exe file. would it be able to execute another c++ file? if it is, how would i make it work, and after...
[20 replies] Last: Duoas spent plenty of time creating his post, the least you could do i... (by giblit)
Embedding a window into a tab?
Hello. I am trying to add a feature into my application that would embed a specific running application into a tab of my application for orginazation purposes. ...
[no replies]
July 2015 Pages: 1... 313233
  Archived months: [jun2015] [aug2015]

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