Beginners - June 2017 (Page 15)

by TheArk
What is wrong in this code
Can anyone tell me what is coded wrong in this program for it to exit immediately after I enter the value for costShares? I have gone over and over and cannot s...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks, you guys are awesome! (by TheArk)
by TheArk
Adding float and int
I am writing this program and trying to get the values of dollar, quarter, dime, nickel, and penny to add for the total money value. When the program runs, and ...
[2 replies] Last: right on, thanks! (by TheArk)
Printing an interger's value inside an array
How can I print an array that is based on values of integers inside of it ?
[2 replies] Last: maybe he means a = 3 b = 9 ?? for that you will need std::map...and I ... (by Flaze07)
What is needed to write and compile code from the Linux Terminal?
I am considering taking my first forays into linux and using the terminal to write code rather than using an IDE. From a fresh installation of debian 8 what ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, A quick Google search found this: (by TheIdeasMan)
Address of operator and deference operator
1.What is the difference between Address of operator(&) and deference operator? Please make it as simple as posible.. 2. In the article there is a sentence "...
[2 replies] Last: 1. the address operator gives address of an object example we have o... (by Flaze07)
removing elements from array
Ok so I am trying to figure out how to remove element from an array when it is dynamically allocated in the first place. I have to remove the max and min va...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you for all the help.!! (by zzQwerty)
Super noob question...
I am very new to programming. I am trying to find each seperate digit of a 5 digit number in a sequence and then print each seperate number. Hopefully my code w...
[2 replies] Last: So I was able to get the results I wanted. This is the code I used to ... (by Guitarski24)
Where To Add a Text File in Visual Studio 2017
I can not seem to figure out how to add a text file to my project so that the program can find and open a user specified file. I copied this code from my textbo...
[8 replies] Last: I was able to get it to work. Like the noob I am i wasnt typing in txt... (by maenielwolf)
by xxvms
Pure Virtual Function
Hi there I am reading book and there is something I am not 100% sure and need a clarification. this is extract from book: "...Once you have placed a pure virt...
[3 replies] Last: Hi keskiverto and ne555 thank you for clarification :) (by xxvms)
Infinite iteration
How can I make an iteration that goes infinitely ? I don't mean make an infinite while loop. I mean the program running normally , while there is an iteration h...
[10 replies] Last: Thank you very much. I really needed this. (by Raul4pk)
by nimeet
Help me Please
This is my first day of learning c++ i want to develop a small scrip that works like this If i enter 1 or 2 i come first and i get congratulated and then aske...
[1 reply] : #include<iostream> #include<string.h> using namespace std; int main()... (by Raul4pk)
Fibonacci Numbers Problem 2 separate Compilers
I am in a College c++ course working on data structures and I have gotten to the List class we need to use it to implement a Fibonacci number calculator. I have...
[2 replies] Last: You will have to define a move constructor or/and define a constructo... (by cire)
Quick vector problem help
Create a vector and fill it with random numbers from 1 to 100 until the new value is a multiple of 19. Print out the values and how numbers in the vector. Ca...
[2 replies] Last: First of all your problem statement says "...the new value is a multip... (by codewalker)
Iterating using two range-for loops
Hi, I am yet to figure out what is wrong with my program. I have a stations, trains and vehicles(wagons). Train receives wagon from station. If received, stat...
[3 replies] Last: Could you please provide a compilable code which reproduces your issue... (by Enoizat)
Convert Alphabets To Numbers.
Hi guys, I am a newbie in programming and learning it by myself. I am trying to convert alphabet letters to integer and get the sume from the letters that the u...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks lastchance, it makes sense now. (by skawt05)
int& and int difference
What is the difference between int& and int inside a function? Example: void x(int a,int b) and void x(int& a,int& b) Please explain how it works
[6 replies] Last: @Flaze07, Your welcome. Andy (by Handy Andy)
calculator using switch case statement is not working ,can anybody tell me why it is so.
#include<iostream> using namespace std; int main() { string calculation; double a; cin>>a; char temp; switch (calculat...
[5 replies] Last: You could switch on a char representing the operator. double a;... (by wildblue)
IF/statement NOT printing
Ok so this is the OLD cell phone bill with regular and premium i completed the Regular and had some trouble with the premium ( i honestly think i did it the ...
[3 replies] Last: Hello xavega4217, In addition to what coder777 has said read through ... (by Handy Andy)
by xxvms
Clion on Windows 10 x64
Hi there I started using Clion and its really nice IDE!! however, I have problem with compiled programs (I am sorry I am beginner) i spent some time looki...
[2 replies] Last: Hi LB that was one spot on advise!!! thank you :) I spent hours on go... (by xxvms)
Simple game help
I am trying to make a simple console application game in which you own a village. It's basically a Tribal Wars rip off , in case you have played it. Basically ,...
[1 reply] : Please do not post more than once: (by LB)
June 2017 Pages: 1... 13141516
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