Beginners - October 2017 (Page 27)

Hello guys, im trying to figure out whats wrong with this code, I am also not sure in how to use the getline part, if anyone can help me it would be great. than...
[3 replies] Last: What you need to do is include the header file <string> then use std... (by Chervil)
by soby96
more efficient way
This program is running but I am looking for a more efficient way to run this program. You can see I commented out the code because I think it can work out wi...
[2 replies] Last: Hello soby96, On line 8 you define "x" and "y", but do not initialize... (by Handy Andy)
by of123
Finding average and dropping lowest test score
Hi, I'm new to programming and having a hard time with a class assignment. Please help me get in the right direction, I'm feeling frustrated and any advice woul...
[5 replies] Last: Hello of123, You are welcome. Glad to help. Been there done that. An... (by Handy Andy)
don't need an object or class to call function?
Hi guys sorry If the wording isn't good in the question I can't think of a better choice,anyway coming from Java and spending so long with Java,I noticed that w...
[2 replies] Last: To repeat AbsAnon's words, and really flog the dead horse, in Java all... (by Repeater)
Why is my file getting sorted weird
Hello guys , so I im working on this program were I have read two files (one file is a dictionary that has 16,000 words) and the other one has keywords (only ha...
[2 replies] Last: In your sorting function you need to be case-sensitive. Example: ... (by Thomas1965)
Hi guys I am kind of confused I was reading the SDL API documentation on events can read it here and correct me if I'm wrong
[18 replies] Last: thanks guys =) (by adam2016)
by glof2
Double "If", "Else"
How to do double "if" and "else" ? When i do everything correctly or i type wrong "haslo" it doesn't have any errors but when i type wrong login itnsays "Nie m...
[2 replies] Last: Yeah, thanks. :D It was easier than i thought, sorry for taking your t... (by glof2)
Why am I only getting around half the content of my file printed and not all of it?
So I need to read words from a file and sort them. I managed to do that but when I print them to see if there sorted it only show 8689 words out of 16,000 words...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the tips chervil (by closed account EAk1vCM9)
Array of strings and doubles from a data file
I've been trying to solve this problem for 8+ hrs so far and can't even get the code to fill the arrays in right. I have to read from a text file about rain dat...
[6 replies] Last: Hello billycca, OK I understand. Any time you want to work on this o... (by Handy Andy)
by Bopaki
This program runs for a few seconds and then bombs out
It runs okay but bombs out with this message: Example10-1.exe has stopped working A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will clos...
[2 replies] Last: (Was too quick) When does the program crash? You do have some print... (by keskiverto)
Turn-based Strategy Game - Help
I am trying to create a turn-based strategy game that puts a player-controlled creature against a similar creature controlled by the computer. Having various op...
[2 replies] Last: Might also be worth mentioning. Whenever you add sth. to your app sav... (by Thomas1965)
error trying to get data member field
Hi guys this question is asked after I did some research on Unions I followed tutorials but for some reason I am getting a compilation error,I have a union but ...
[4 replies] Last: > you cannot initialize members of a union The first non-static data ... (by JLBorges)
Noob problem...
I'm new in C++ language programing and I thought to start to make some simple projects. I saw on internet a program to guess a number.If you don't guess the num...
[3 replies] Last: I'll tie a string around my finger to ensure it doesn't happen again. (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Test average
I have had trouble with loops and don't know what to fill in // This program calculates an average test score given individual test scores. // Input: ...
[4 replies] Last: int testScore ; That one has an issue: the code/memory allocation ... (by keskiverto)
by Bopaki
The queue does not output the elements in the queue
It only outputs: Queue contains: #ifndef H_LinkedListType #define H_LinkedListType #include <iostream> #include <cassert> using namespace std; ...
[4 replies] Last: Thank you so much Enoizat. It was all about copyQueue . I completely ... (by Bopaki)
Console not displaying certain characters
Hi everyone, could use some help here. I am writing a program pulling data from a .txt file; the program will get more complicated, but the problem I am havi...
[5 replies] Last: The console is displaying ΓÇ¥ The character ” is RIGHT DOUBLE Q... (by Cubbi)
Acces other class array elements
Hey! I'm making a chunk system like minecraft ones, and I need to gather element from it's neighbor to optimize the faces drawn or not between the chunks. So I...
[1 reply] : I'm pretty sure minecraft works with voxels. (i.e 3d pixels) (by Golden Lizard)
cursor disappeared in folding code::block
i can not delete into folding code::block....i mean when i delete the code which is outside of folding code anything works perfect but when i want to delete ins...
[no replies]
Function call error
Hello everyone, I'm having trouble with one of my functions. I'm receiving error messages that say there is no function function to call, but the function exist...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks ne555, that solved my problem. As for comparing boolean against... (by mattSucksAtCoding)
how can i turn off gutter in code::block...i dont want to see any of them.
[1 reply] : done...hahaha...i do it by myselfe even though i do not know how to sp... (by phongvants123)
October 2017 Pages: 1... 2526272829... 33
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