Which way is better? inheritance or member?

Which way is better? So, for example, let's say we have a game engine class through which you can add objects. But object manager class does that. So should I put it as it's member or inheritance it?


class Engine : public ObjectManager {


or as its member:

class Engine {

ObjectManager objectmanager;


ObjectManager& getObjectManager();


Engine engine;

or second:

which way is better? Thanks :)!
It depends. This one has some thoughts on the matter:
A member. Especially in C++ and other statically typed languages.
(Should we be able to substitute an object of type Engine where an object of type ObjectManager is expected?)

See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle

If you must use inheritance (less boiler plate code to write if Engine must reuse, and expose in its interface, a lot of the functionality of ObjectManager), use private inheritance (ie. inheritance without substitutability).
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As far as I know, inheritance represents an is-a relation. In this case, I wouldn't use inheritance, as I see no logican explanation for having an ObjectManager as a parent for an Engine.
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