Santa Monica College C++ class CS-52

This class comes with software. Does anyone know the name? Opinions would be nice.

get out.
This class comes with software. Does anyone know the name?

Presumably, somebody at the college knows. Why not ask them?

Opinions would be nice.

Huh? You're asking for factual information. What "opinions" are you talking about?

Or am I just falling for a troll?
Based on other posts, I suspect that Weedhacker is either

1) Trolling


2) A student enrolled in a C programming class, made to use a ridiculously outdated C compiler (even older than is typically used in Indian educational institutes, which are notorious for used compilers from 25 years ago), who has so little understanding of what C and C++ are and how they're implemented that her questions come across as nonsensical. If that's the case, this student is flailing badly :/
I'm not sure that Santa Monica College would agree!

Well, they appear to have quite aspirational courses:

And I definitely can't type 25 words a minute!
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too much weed, not enough hacker?

This course is a continuation of C language programming using the C++ superset of C

Ouch. But all too common.
Yeah, that one jumped out at me. It does not give the impression that their CS department is expert in C++.

(I know that for teaching purposes, it's often helpful to simplify things and handwave away details at first, but even so...)
could just be old description too. When I learned c++ that was a common understanding ... that c++ was a superset of C. Back then every C program could have .cpp typed onto it and it would compile and run, with I think the single exception of having to add a cast here and there. C started to diverge down its own path... in C99? Roughly?

Regardless, we need a better question to be able to help here.
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