How to edit scripts after release?

Pages: 12
The only detail I'd say deserves a bit of correction is that scripts are generally not compiled, but interpreted - but otherwise, that's the idea - and you have a large selection of C++ libraries aimed at doing just that if you want.
Thanks for the detail. If you can name one library that does that it could be amazing.

Other than that, thanks you all for the help!
You are best served by a search for something like "C++ library for lua scripting" or "How to embed scripting in a game"....

...I don't have an evaluation for any particular scripting library, so I wouldn't want to just pick a few names from a similar search then have that imply a recommendation.

In the bargain, a search like that shows dozens of tutorials and projects describing how to implement scripting, and the advantages/experiences of their use from blogs, etc.

A library I might find wonderful may not fit your style or needs well, and one that I might not like could be perfect for you.

I think boost has something, too...quick check, a way to expose your C++ application to Python - basically Python could be your scripting language if it were not too "involved" for your interests.

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I recently did a program which must read some custom script. It is lacking of flexibility, however it's "crash-proof".

Here's the code of the interesting part :

And here's an example of script :

Basically, the user can :
- Create and manage variables (up to 42)
- use mathematical tests/operators
A+3+8 is working, but sometimes using multiples operator on one line can result in wrong calculation.
- can use goto, labels, and other cursor moving command
- can use "program commands" (which interacts with the program and can't be scripted) and replace portions of the command arg by the content of variables
- do "IF" test (and some loop combined with the goto)

That was hard and it's clearly not a professionnal-quality-code (and it's lacking of fonctionnality), but it works with a good error checking a debug help for the user.
Ok, I know what to do now.
Thank you guys so much for the effort! I believe this topic deserves a big and fat solved.
AngelScript is a scripting language whose syntax is very similar to C++.
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Pages: 12