Initializing an arrary of strings ?

I have been studying sorting algorithms for strings.
I have a question about initializing arrays.

With c++ we can initialize and array as follows:
const int arraylength = 20000;
string wordlist[arraylength];

and we can also initialize as follows using (#include <array>):

then define a return function:
array<string,arraylength> selectSort(array<string,arraylength>list){

What are the advantages of using this syntax?

It means you don't have to worry about also passing the length of the array. And you can pass the array to std::sort().
then define a return function:
array<string,arraylength> selectSort(array<string,arraylength>list){

That's inefficient because you make a copy of the array going in, and possibly another copy going out. I think it would be better to sort the array in place:
void selectSort(array<string,arraylength> &list);
If the user wants to sort into a copy, they can make the copy themselves easily enough:
array<string,20000> list;
array<string,20000> mycopy(list);

This way at least the user has the option of being efficient.
Thank you!
This makes sense.
Being a beginner what does &list do?
Is it a pointer ?
void selectSort(array<string,arraylength> &list);

The & is technically part of the type. T& means "reference to T". So it's a reference to array<string, arrayLength> in your code. Passing by reference avoids a copy and allows you to modify the same object that is passed to the function. has a section about arguments passed by value and by reference.
Thank you Ganada and kesklverto,

This is a good reminder.
This toggled by brain cells back to 89
I did this with Pascal back in 1989.
Pass by value and by reference.
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