C++ Game Development?

Hello. I have wanted to make a game for several years now. I heard of C++ so me and 8 other friends got together and we are now wanting to make a game. We are all 13. Me and 2 others are doing code. The others are doing animation and graphics and music and beta testing. I was searching the web and did LOADS of research, asking questions like these on Yahoo! Answers then getting banned for no reason, and found out about OpenGL, GLU, GLEW, OpenAL and SFML. From what I have heard SFML is faster and 'easier' than SDL. Now, is that what I need to make a game? It won't have amazing graphics, it will be a pixely game. A lot of people have made fun of us for wanting to make a game, calling us nerds. They have also said that a bunch of 13-year-olds can't make a game. I doubt it but is that true? Those people are also the people that are constantly on detention for behaviour so I don't pay any attention to them and keep going with it! So can I make a game with the items listed above? Am I using more than I need to? Am I using too little? I have learned C++ and all those libraries are C++ I do believe. Also, should I keep going with the idea of making a game and just ignore those people? I think it's just the idea of a 13-year-old doing something amazing that makes them laugh, little do they know that 11-year-olds are writing malware! Heck they were amazed at my hello world code. Thanks for reading and feel free to leave me some tips and game development! No hate for me being 13 please =)
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go for it! what's the game about?
It will be about 5 teenagers getting sucked into a pixely world, but if they don't get out in time they will turn into pixel people and be trapped there forever! It will be called T.E.B.A, which is short for 'The 8-Bit Adventure!' Thanks for the inspiration guy! It really helps counteract the negativity from the other people saying I can't do it. Are the libraries ok? Should I use other libraries? Again, thanks for the help =)
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Well, I'm 14, and my friend and I are working out a group called Reboot Studios, and we're kind of diving headfirst into C++ as well, after about half a year of Batch coding. Because of my own age, I think this is an amazing idea, and those other guys are a bunch of idiots (I have to deal with them too, but they're also amazed by the Hello World script, LOL). Currently, the libraries I use are Allegro (for graphics) and PortAudio (for audio). I say good for you, and you should go on ahead with this! Give yourself a pat on the back, my friend.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
really from that list sfml is the only one that you need. openGL is for 3d graphics (while sfml is for 2d), glew is an extension to opengl so not needed if your not using opengl, glu is also a 3d library i believe so same as opengl, and openAL is sound stuff which sfml already supports. btw it is absolutely possible. dont let anyone tell you different
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
also of course your a nerd, but i dont understand why this is a bad thing! nerds are great. also, people are amazed by the simplest things if they cant code it, even worse, it being in batch. i.e.:

@echo off
title D1rH4ck

dir c:\
goto :loop
@echo off
title matRixH4ck

echo %random% ........
goto :loop
This is like the same thing, but cooler and looks sort of like the matrix

@echo off
color 02
@echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random%
goto start

But anyway, just like DTSCode said, nerds are COOL (I'm one). I totally think you should do this.
closed account (Dy7SLyTq)
and if you ever need any help, just contact me @ DTSCode@gmail.com
If there's 8 of you, who knows what you could do in the future. I'm the programmer and my friend would be the artist. 2 man team, lots of time. Although you'll probably really need to make sure everyone can work together the way they need to. A good video series on getting started on making games as a hobby is Gyrovorbis'. Those guys started out pretty young and have progressed from there.
I'm at race.freak.lvl.10@hotmail.com
Thanks everyone for their help! The inspiration is awesome and the help is awesome too :) DTSCode I think I will contact you if I ever need any help. It's true what you said. What's so bad about being a nerd? TV shows stereotype them as people with glasses and braces, but I can assure you that I haven't got them lol. It's good to know that there are other people jumping into game development like racefreak. Thanks for the game development tutorials! Thank you to everyone for their help and inspiration! And also just to reply to racefreak: those people are idiots. I haven't saw them call the develop FIFA or Call of Duty nerds, and they all have amazing graphics. To reply to Austin J: there are 10 of us now so what you said is true. Now that there is 10 who knows what we will do in the future!

Again, thank you all for the help! Hope you don't mind if I message you every now and again for advice. Don't worry, I won't spam. I'll just ask you if I am unsure of something and I can't find the answer on the Internet =)
Hope things go great for you guys! :P
Thanks racefreak! Same to you and Reboot Studios :) Hopefully teenagers making games with inspire even younger people to make games. The age of the person making the game doesn't matter. It is the quality of the game! If you are 10 years old but you produce a really high quality game with a good storyline, etc people wont care that you are 10! That goes for teenagers too. If you make a good game, your age doesn't matter. As long as you stay determined, focused and put in the effort you can get it done. Best of luck to you and anyone else reading this who is planning to make a game or an application of some kind.
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