General C++ Programming - April 2017 (Page 16)

Storing input in array of class type
Hi there, I'm trying to create a section of code for an election vote counter. So far I have created a class called candidate and an array of that class cal...
[6 replies] Last: A stripped down version of what you need to do. The index of the loop ... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
file and wrong output
i keep getting an errror of junk data for my output and i need help i get output like 0x69fd int totalNumber=4; int idd ; string name ; ...
[2 replies] Last: im sorry but 'idd' is suppose to be an 'id' and why is {cout << "file ... (by ghost1111)
Program crash when creating object
Hello everyone! I've got a strange problem with the following class: //header file #ifndef ECONOMY_H #define ECONOMY_H #include <iostream> enum PaymentError {...
[1 reply] : Oh well, I found it. I passed in a const long long argument into the f... (by goldenchicken)
by xero3g
Easiest method to add a mean output in search and sort code?
Tried a couple ways but can't seem to get it to compile. Any recommendations on implementing said function? #include "stdafx.h" #include <string> #include ...
[2 replies] Last: Currently it does but I'm trying to add a function which calculates th... (by xero3g)
by dm4t
[Help] Class While Function
Hi i need to make program for my school project but i am stack. I need to make class for employers that have : Name , Position and salary. And while set Posit...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. Also i just at with. while(Position>4||Position... (by dm4t)
Why am I getting memory leaks?
Hello, I have written a somewhat decent solution for the travelling salesman problem. However, according to the visual leak detector, I have 12 memory leaks and...
[2 replies] Last: > newNode = new CNode(X, Y); I doubt that you need pointers in the f... (by ne555)
Contacts (Linked List) Can any one help
Can any one help, I dont understand what I am really doing and having trouble wrapping my head around the meaning of my class and its members and the member fun...
[4 replies] Last: #include<iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespac... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Setting CodeBlocks to C++11
How do I set CodeBlocks 16.01 to C++11? My selected compiler is GNU GCC Compiler. There is no option for C++11 listed in Compiler Flags under Compiler Settings....
[11 replies] Last: It says 4.4.1. (by cpp1024)
Register and Login Program
Hey, so i wanted to know just the basics of making a register, then login program. I know things like: int choice; for choice 1 or 2 or 3 1 - Register 2 - L...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> using nam... (by Mitch123)
binary input
2 part question: 1)what will the result be if a string(the input)of zeros and ones(01100101)are put through this filter(snippet of code) {i=ch-'0'}in words: i e...
[3 replies] Last: > how do I modify the filter(using ASCII) so that if the input is ab o... (by JLBorges)
I have a assignment due in a few days and I am having some difficulties. Here is the assignment: //Create a random 10 character password with the first char...
[12 replies] Last: probability for the first character in your program would also be 1/... (by lastchance)
no matching function for call to ‘isdigit(std::__cxx11::string&)’
this is my code #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; int get_file (ifstream& ...
[5 replies] Last: plus thanks for the link and help (by mikeal200)
How to ignore punctuation in piglatin program (edited)
I figure out how to get it to change the sentence into piglatin, but after hours of searching on how to ignore punctuation, I am still confused on how to do thi...
[5 replies] Last: why not just save a copy of the original string with the punctuation a... (by gunnerfunner)
April 2017 Pages: 1... 141516
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