General C++ Programming - April 2018 (Page 15)

by biwash
Guys I am trying to do the project on Vending machine but my project should include all of those below criteria. Is there any suggestion on project topic which ...
[2 replies] Last: thanks jonnin (by biwash)
Class, Sort, OOP
Hi I was wondering if someone could give me the code for this example problem I missed in class yesterday. My professor has not posted the notes yet because he ...
[4 replies] Last: It is too big to rewrite all of that just to have you get a copy of it... (by jonnin)
Object oriented Programming
In class, this example was used but I missed the program my professor showed. Could anyone help me with me what the program is? Any help would be appreciated. T...
[5 replies] Last: Looks like everyone was out sick that day. And now the professor has... (by jonnin)
by dwrib
Red Black Tree implementation trouble
Hi, Sorry in advance for the formatting.. I was unable to figure out how to make it show up as code in this post. I'm working on a project where the assignm...
[no replies]
Ok, so i just want to preface this by saying that my primary issue is concerned with the function option7 and the call to option7 in the switch statement case 7...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks guys! that was really clarifying stuff there (by matiasp1998)
by Heymid
Concurrency waiting problem
I have a very simple code below that I'm using for testing purposes: #include <vector> #include <thread> using namespace std; condition_variable COND...
[3 replies] Last: it will get stuck forever just like in this case In this case, the ... (by Repeater)
Checking whats wrong in a c++ program
So I have been trying to make a C++ program that converts the first letter of each word in a string to uppercase. let's say if I start with "my name is john", t...
[2 replies] Last: You are right, now I get it! I just did what you said, changed the loo... (by thephantom97)
by Trice
Ford Fulkerson Algorithm error
I want to make 10 guided, weighted random graph with 100 peakd and 250 edged. (Now just 1 graph with 10 peakd and 20 edges) The errors are in the FF algorithm ...
[9 replies] Last: @lastchance Thank you for your code. I hope, it will help for me. I ha... (by Trice)
sorting names using 2d array with bubble sort
rite a program, which will ask the user how manynames(one word, no spaces)they wish to enter.The programwill then read that many names, store...
[1 reply] : You just need to remove the brackets. It should be: Bubblesort(pName... (by tpb)
by froboy
Create an interface to populate 2 files
I need help with an assignment that I received from my professor. We just started learning classes and I am confused where to start and proceed. The assignm...
[1 reply] : Well first you need to ask a question and second post your code. (by SamuelAdams)
by ayokng
How do I add Button to each row in list view
for (k = 0; k < PrimeSize; k++) { Item = gcnew ListViewItem(k.ToString()); Item->SubItems->Add(HTPtr->TableArray .ToString()); Item->SubIt...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks for replying, I just used one button that selects each row by t... (by ayokng)
I am new to C++ and I am trying to solve this error: Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol "class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,cla...
[11 replies] Last: Thank you for that information (by lake0829)
random number always same set of values
Hi guys I'm using visual studio so visualc++ compiler I am trying to generate a random number from one to the length of the string but for some reason the rando...
[11 replies] Last: thanks guys yeah the video really should have explained in more detai... (by adam2016)
by yczo
Book exersice: puts without include
Hello Comunity, I am following a C++ Book; In one exercice, the Author ask over how to use the "puts()" call without its header; I think that could be some re...
[5 replies] Last: Thank you very much to all. Like ne555 said, has worked so: extern ... (by yczo)
Why My Program Is Running Slow Whenever I Use Heavy OBJ Files?
Hello Professionals, Good day. I am trying to use different OBJ files to my program in order to read the details of OBJ files (particularly the faces and ver...
[19 replies] Last: I wouldn't worry, for now, about how long it takes to initially load y... (by Ganado)
by tralsz
Linked list removing elements issue
So i am writing a code to remove an elements from linked list l that are equal to given k. But for some reason i keep running into this issue where part of ...
[3 replies] Last: Lets assume root=[7,3,3,1,2,3,4,5] and a call root->next = removeKFro... (by keskiverto)
What Is The Importance Of Using "const" in C++?
Hello Professionals, Would like to ask why const is important in C++?? (for example) class Entity { public: void Print() const { cout << "Hello!" << en...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks @keskiverto and @Peter87 for the insights. I understand it now.... (by kindgnice)
Insert a set of values into linked list
Hi! I've been trying to insert a set of data which are details of the employees (code, name, address and phone) into an ordered linked list. This is the fun...
[2 replies] Last: Ah I see! Thank you!! (by Laura2358)
how use literal operators?
on my class String i have these friend literal operators: friend String operator ""_s(const char* chrValue, size_t stringcount) { return String("SS...
[8 replies] Last: true. today i learned more. i'm review the C++ with that book. and try... (by Cambalinho)
how convert char* to double without lose precision?
see these char*: char *chr="3.1415926"; if i use the atof(), it prints: "3.14159" so how can i convert char* to double without lose precision?
[3 replies] Last: i see. thank you so much for correct me. now works. i didn't knew abou... (by Cambalinho)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 1314151617
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