General C++ Programming - April 2018 (Page 17)

Reading and writing floats to/from an array to a file
I am trying to store float values that are being used for leaderboard values in a game. I want to read the values in from the file and save them to an array and...
[3 replies] Last: Maybe you didn't close the file after you read it (and timeIn didn't g... (by tpb)
Please help me with this question!!
Problem link: Currently, I am working on this problem and I cannot find a way to solve it. The current method that ...
[3 replies] Last: @dhayden @ne555 Thank you for your replies! I will try both methods an... (by kimchiboy03)
i need some corrections about tokens?
seems that almost complex code must be used with Tokens like: - convert a string to Math Expression; - convert a code to another language. but i need underst...
[1 reply] : There is lots of research and tools for parsing text. You might try se... (by dhayden)
by tim039
recv function and writing lines to a file
I am writing the client side to a TCP program where the client requests a file from a server and the server sends the file in packets one line at a time. I am ...
[1 reply] : ofstream discards the old file content by default. You could either re... (by Peter87)
Advanced Autoclicker HELP
I need help doing this. I am trying to use the GetQueueStatus() to see if a certain message is in the queue, and if there is a WM_LBUTTONDOWN message in the que...
[3 replies] Last: Don't bother commenting on this because It just occurred to me i can't... (by sharfooth2323)
April 2018 Pages: 1... 151617
  Archived months: [mar2018] [may2018]

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