General C++ Programming - August 2018 (Page 4)

some help with find cmd..
hi! i need some help with the find cmd, i tryed to test the find command for one of my projects, a siri cind of thing, so i want to know how to detect spacific ...
[5 replies] Last: thanks ;D (by navilgameboy)
LinkedList CD/DVD Collection - << Operator Overload
Hello everyone, I'm having trouble understanding what this error is saying. I'm terrible at understanding operator overloads, and it's worse when the code give...
[1 reply] : the word "operand" gives me a headache Arguments to operators are of... (by Peter87)
by PKumar
Searching and writing in a text file
Create a textfile to accept 5 names and correspnding phone numbers (separated by a single space). Write a program to accept a number from the user and...
[1 reply] : I suggest using a struct for storing the name and telNr, both as a std... (by nuderobmonkey)
new(size_t, void* p)
Have a look at this; #include <iostream> int main() { int x = 0; int* p1 = new(&x) int ; // 2 integers allocated at &x ...
[12 replies] Last: No Holy Wars pl0x. I want to get one. It'll be dual boot, of course!... (by tpb)
Basic C++ || Questions
Hey guys new to C++ and learning the basics but got questions that I wanna know. Example purposes: .Exe Base Address = 0x000000 .Exe Base Offset = 0x1111...
[7 replies] Last: I didnt fully follow the question you are trying to ask, but code is i... (by jonnin)
c++ and DirectX game engine
I am currently working on a game engine using c++ and direct3D and I need help to design a class to manage the entities present on the scene. The class should ...
[13 replies] Last: Are you really going to argue that if you encountered this interface ... (by mbozzi)
Help with move constructor
#include <iostream> class T { int x; public: T() :x(-1) {} T(int a) :x(a) {} T(const T& a) :x(a.x) { } T& operator=(const T& a) { x = a.x; return *t...
[2 replies] Last: Yes that's what is happening i guess; I think the compiler is converti... (by fewdiefie)
if statement vs ?:
What is the difference between this: if(a <= b) max = b; else max = a; and this: max = (a <= b) ? b : a; Other that the second conditional expression c...
[8 replies] Last: This has been a topic I have pondered from time to time. I tend to sh... (by doug4)
Cross-Platform Mobile Development in C++ (Visual C++)
Hello, thank you for graciously clicking my post. I've developed the back-end (C++) for a sports management simulator and would like to port it to the Android/I...
[2 replies] Last: Not that i know alot about this topic but i once managed to port a c+... (by stav)
managing free store objects
stroustrup said: When you construct an object on the free store, place its pointer into a manager object(sometimes called a handle) with a destructor that wi...
[5 replies] Last: Yes. 77. Use vector and string instead of arrays. Summary Why ju... (by JLBorges)
BinaryTree & EmployeeInfo; Comparative Overloading
BinaryTree.h: #pragma once #include <iostream> using namespace std; // BinaryTree template template <class T> class BinaryTree { private: struct TreeNode { ...
[7 replies] Last: Thank you, tpb. For now, I'll keep the altered T* searchNode() and see... (by DiggyCode)
sockets non blocking mode timeout
What is the meaning of timeout in non blocking mode. If for instance it can not read data in that time it will generate an error after time elapsed? But not bef...
[6 replies] Last: If you're waiting, why are you using non-blocking sockets in the first... (by kbw)
by Donyy
Need help for one problem
Write a program in which you have the void ToMilTime function (int hour, int minutes, bool pm) to display the time in the military time format: the first two ch...
[16 replies] Last: Yeah i already got it, I just didn't like this: I think you need to l... (by fewdiefie)
ISO c++ or TC++PL
ISO c++ standard or "The c++ programming language by stroustrup"? and why?
[3 replies] Last: The C++ Programming language is also a bit to digest. Its a great boo... (by jonnin)
SetWindowText come andare a capo
Salve, ho un problema sto effettuando un progetto in C++ con un'interfaccia grafica in Visual Studio. Ho creato una WindowW ed al suo interno vado a stampare u...
[4 replies] Last: Questa รจ la creazione della WindowW, ed ho inserito ES_MULTILINE: Cre... (by Giorgia)
In c++ if I define a class to have a default constructor as well as a parameter based constructor but in the main I only instantiate an instance of the class us...
[6 replies] Last: Ok cool, thanks for all the answers. I understand now. (by parallx)
Not using the heap. Is it sign of being a bad programmer ?
I am using c++ for 4+ years and since then, I did not need to use heap (*Libraries is an exception e.g: you have to use heap when creating an object in bullet p...
[5 replies] Last: @Ganado thank you ! (by closed account DEhqDjzh)
by hb42
C++ Vector inserting elements at indices *before* previous indices are used
Is it possible to insert elements in a vector at a specific index before previous indices are used? For example vector<int> example_vector; example_vec...
[10 replies] Last: First, what you wrote is incorrect and dangerous; by writing these lin... (by fewdiefie)
Move contructor/assignment
Hello there, can you please explain to me when a move constructor/assignment is called and what exactly happens when so. string use(string& a) { string tm...
[3 replies] Last: EDIT: Missed Peter87's post earlier; leaving this post here because it... (by JLBorges)
UML and Operator Overloading
Hi Can anyone translate this: +operator+(add:tome &):tome +friend operator<<(output:ostream &,t:const tome &):ostream & +operator=(oldTome:const tome &...
[10 replies] Last: Ok cool, I follow now. Thanks (by parallx)
August 2018 Pages: 1234567
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