General C++ Programming - February 2016 (Page 3)

Determining probability of finding exit
Hey guys, I've got the task to write a program which reads a kinda maze from a .txt file and marks the fields from which a person starting there could reach an...
[3 replies] Last: No, not without added complexity for which you are unprepared. If you... (by Duthomhas)
[2 replies] Last: I need user inputs in order to bubble sorts the number, i am really ho... (by curiousfloridian)
"error: passing 'const ***' as 'this' argument of '***' discards qualifiers [-fpermissive]" when using map::erase()
I'm implementing the following method to delete an element from an associative table ( map ): //Method in gestion.cpp void Gestion::EliminateObject(string nom...
[3 replies] Last: You don't delete iterators. The iterator refers to an element of obj... (by cire)
Weird For Loop !
for ( y = 7/2;.....;y++) { ...... } How this loop would work? This remains fractions!.
[18 replies] Last: Thank you guys all for helping helping. You are awesome. problem is s... (by r0manatw00d)
when i compose my message i can't contents source code!!! How can i do it right?
[4 replies] Last: yes!!!! it's OK.... Thank you very much (by nfnicolas)
What does this for loop mean?
I've seen this type of for loop quite a bit on c++ forumns but I've never really understood what it exactly meant. What I mean is the syntax, Of course I unders...
[1 reply] : It's a Ranged-Based for loop - (by TarikNeaj)
Any one can help me in this problem please :(
c++ programming Problem : a common programming task is computing statistics of a set of numbers (array of integers). A statistic is solution a number that ...
[6 replies] Last: ok i will try to make this problem and i will back again if i have any... (by mohammad95)
Postnet Bar Code Program
Hey, so I am trying to create a program that will prompt the user to enter a 5 digit zip code or a 25 character bar code. The program should be able to read bot...
[4 replies] Last: oh my.... I feel dumb! hah thank you for humoring my post and helping... (by eraser1275)
comparing two sorts...
Hello, I am supposed to write a program that will compare the run times of shell sort and insertion sort with two separate sets of data in files. One of th...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you very much for your feedback. That helps a great deal. It alw... (by Indianna32)
Check my error in this source code
Hello, my system have sign in function. Please check where my error in my source code. The error is, when I write correct ID and Password it become false, but a...
[2 replies] Last: Please use code tags. Yo... (by amirhakim)
pointer C++
int X,Y * (dat->Data + X + ( long ) Y *dat->Cols = * (FILTER->DATA + X + (long ) Y * dat->Cols ) I am having trouble to understand to following Code. ...
[3 replies] Last: Anyone help please?? (by r0manatw00d)
Press a button every time for a term?
I am actually creating quite a simple program in codeblocks but I don't know how to make it work make a buttom like x for example to pop up my term every time l...
[no replies]
Online Lab problem
I need help with a lab assignment that will be due by the end of the week. It's suppose to be simple, but I am not getting it, and no, don't give me guff about ...
[9 replies] Last: Okay, everyone. You will be happy to know that I had managed to make m... (by Dragonov)
returning structure
I am having a problem returning pigLatin.piglatin;... i can not see the problem, anyone else see it? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <...
[1 reply] : $ g++ foo.cpp -ggdb -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG $ gdb a.out > run Enter a senten... (by ne555)
garbage values populating and printing elements from for-each loop
My goal is to both populate and print the my_array with for-each functions only. The program compiles fine but puts out junk numbers. How do make this work? If ...
[9 replies] Last: Can I persuade you to not have using namespace std; ? It will take ... (by technologist)
nest for-each loop?
I am experimenting with different arrays - by pointer, arrays with subscripts, etc. I am curious wether a for-each loop can be nested. I would ideally like the ...
[3 replies] Last: It does. Thx for taking y our time to write that. (by technologist)
How to separate multiple numbers into one array from a sentence
I want only the numbers after $ signs (read from a file into a string) from the following sentence to store them in an array. Price 1=$6.00 Price 2=$5.00 Pri...
[1 reply] : Use a function like getline() or .ignore() to skip everything up t... (by Duthomhas)
by kind9
Am I using decltype wrong?
Hello. I am trying to write a program using gtkmm(C++ GTK+ bindings). The code compiles without errors or warnings but when I run it I get segmentation fault. M...
[3 replies] Last: Not sure what the error was because I re-compiled with the old code an... (by kind9)
[3 replies] Last: By default all members of a class are private. You never overrode the... (by doug4)
Queue refusing to take a string!
Hi. The X in the push function is reflecting an error that I don't understand. And in the nested for loop in the int main, you can see that I am trying to...
[11 replies] Last: Thanks for the quick response MikeyBoy. The logic of the program is t... (by AmmmG 01)
February 2016 Pages: 12345... 21
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