General C++ Programming - February 2016 (Page 5)

by Frenzy
Problem with Function - Crazy Error message
Hey guys. I just started learning about functions in my class recently. I've been getting some really strange error messages when I try to compile. I can't even...
[3 replies] Last: It's some kind of bug or installation problem in your standard library... (by helios)
Hello. Need assistance in inserting end of linked list
Hello everyone. I've started data structures this semester, I wasn't expecting to but had a sudden schedule change. I haven't touched c++ in a while so forgive ...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks. So if I understand, we are checking if we are at the root node... (by TheCoolest2)
how to retrieve element "number"
In the code below I can print members of elem (.x .y). How do I print the index number (for lack of better words)of elem itself (similar to index of a normal ma...
[11 replies] Last: Thx all... (by technologist)
Fibonacci Series Help!!!
I am new to programming and I wrote a c++ program that fills a one dimensional array with the first 50 Fibonacci numbers. How do I then print out the numbers in...
[1 reply] : Do you think you could provide a compilable code snippet that reproduc... (by cire)
const with operator overloading
How would I approach overloading == and != with the following function headers: bool operator == (const Friend& other)const{ return (( == name)...
[1 reply] : Look fine, except that you forgot a closing parenthesis. (by Peter87)
Overloading >> operator as non-member function
How would I be able to overload my >> operator with the following header: std::istream& operator >>(std::istream& ins,Friend& f){ //ins >> >> f....
[1 reply] : you need to make it a friend. or add appropriate getters/setters. (by Yanson)
by Sid123
Shortcut to brute force copy paste?
Hi, this is our first time creating a GUI as we have previously only used console applications. We have a lot of push buttons(81), and would like to read the te...
[1 reply] : Do not doublepost. First thread: (by keskiverto)
Getting rid of white space in string loops
Hi, i'm fairly new to programming and have to create a program where the user inputs a word, it is then outputted in the 11th column of a 20 column grid of rand...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you! (by Smolundo)
How to declare arrays from existing class attributes?
It is showing error in array declearations a and b...Any SOLUTIONS??..Assume that i shall do work after array declaration. #include<iostream> using namespa...
[2 replies] Last: I would recommend to store only one matrix per class and create 2 matr... (by Thomas1965)
Find the Errors
Hello Everyone, So for my C++ class, the teacher gave this out as extra credit. There are 5 errors in this code, we have to find the errors but we cannot mo...
[1 reply] : strcpy_s missing parameter numberOfElements. (by Thomas1965)
New Project
Hello I am having more trouble with programming this one is with structures. I need to Write a program which uses a structure having the indicated member names...
[2 replies] Last: // ConsoleApplication10.cpp : Defines the entry point for the consol... (by Kinyo356)
Evaluating a Postfix expression
I am trying to make a function that can evaluate a postfix expression, returning the string "invalid" if it is not valid or complete. This is the code I have, b...
[4 replies] Last: (by WakeofMisery)
writting the quadratic formula using cmath
hey guys help me write the quadratic formula using cmath
[2 replies] Last: Should also take a look at <cmath> It basically gives you everything ... (by YFGHNG)
Dynamic Arrays: Need Help Copying One Array To Another One
Hello, I have to create a program that uses the ‘new’ operator to create a dynamic array in heap of the program. The program creates and populates its ...
[2 replies] Last: Hi, It might be a good idea to surround your code in tags. This h... (by Little Captain)
c++ builder and export dll function name chaos
Hello Guys, I have a Problem, i have this example Code: // dllmain.cpp : Defines the entry point for the DLL application. #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN ...
[6 replies] Last: Did you leave, as in maintain, the "extern 'C'" bracket in your code? (by Computergeek01)
help on list of mordern c++ libraries
please help list of mordern c++11 libraries api and frameworks. Please I want something easy to use pls the list should include gui networking {http/ftp} utili...
[3 replies] Last: tnx for the reply (by Piusogs)
Display '>', '<', or '=' in between numbers
Given five integers as input, display each in the order entered by the user with the character '>', '<', or '=' in between each pair of numbers that accurately ...
[2 replies] Last: If you had int sgn(int x) that returned -1, 0, or 1 depending on whe... (by dhayden)
Distributing dll, using boost.
I'm writing an application using the Unity game engine. There's some com port code in there, and the C# com port code was significantly slowing the application ...
[8 replies] Last: I'm guessing that when Unity builds the dll, into the executable it's... (by helios)
Stack & Palindrome
I want to use stacks to test whether the input is a palindrome or not. Right now, for the input, I'm just using a six letter word, eg. abccba. What I need to ...
[1 reply] : Your program is far too complicated. All you need to do is get a strin... (by Thomas1965)
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 marks as an error
Hi, What did not trigger an error in Xcode 7.2, triggers the following error in Visual Studio 2015, update 1 : "'constexpr' is not valid here" the apparent...
[6 replies] Last: The other user: Th... (by TheIdeasMan)
February 2016 Pages: 1... 34567... 21
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