General C++ Programming - July 2018 (Page 9)

DIT subject Program Design DT282 program An algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine. program a series of software instructions...
[no replies]
if and else running at the same time (1,2)
Here is a bit of summary of my problem: I am making a game. I have an abstract class called GameObject, and two child classes called Player, and Block. Each ...
[20 replies] Last: What does it print if you add this line: std::cerr << "Bottom check... (by tpb)
Can Someone Code OpenGL Without math ?
Hi I am a very young c++ developer and In school I haven't learned matrix, vectors etc yet. I want to code a 3D Game engine but every tutorial I watch/read requ...
[9 replies] Last: There are various ways to do collision detection, you can come up with... (by Uk Marine)
July 2018 Pages: 1... 789
  Archived months: [jun2018] [aug2018]

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