General C++ Programming - June 2015 (Page 2)

While loop looping when it shouldn't
I am using visual studio 2013 to create a game where a random number is generated when the program runs and the player has to guess the number. The program tell...
[2 replies] Last: wow, how did i miss that xD Thanks! (by OrangeGames333)
Any expert know how to write this program? Average each student score and assigned a letter grade
Use this information student names and test score Andrew Miller 87.5 89 65.75 37 98.5 John Doe 86 88 85.25 90 95 John Smith 52 82 79 88.5 85 Jane Deer ...
[1 reply] : This is a very common beginner's homework. You need to learn to writ... (by Duthomhas)
what is a blueprint ?
can anyone explain what is a blueprint in classes..
[2 replies] Last: A blueprint is a technical dr... (by Duthomhas)
Can someone please help me find the base address of game to hack
I found the pointer in cheat engine its "isaac-ng.exe"+00222A60. I have been googling it all night but I can't get the base address of "isaac-ng.exe" or anythi...
[6 replies] Last: If you click the links to the msdn pages in the SO posts you will see ... (by naraku9333)
Beep in turbo c++
Is there a way i can use the beep function in turbo c++? Like it is used in codeblocks. ~thanks
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! nah, i dont need to play a wave file, i just need the be... (by GeneralSkyKiller)
map class index operator
so i have no idea how to write the index operator overloading i have a class called pair already. i have insert function on my bst #ifndef MAP_H #define MAP_...
[2 replies] Last: I tried but I can't even make a pair and insert it into the bst I tri... (by curtiscavalier)
How to convert binary file to its original format
Hi. I am sending file to server as binary I read file from clinet store in buffer and send it In Server I open a file, recv it and write to file. So ass...
[1 reply] : A file is simply an array of bytes, it doesn't have format by itself. ... (by helios)
STL Maps:How to copy an element from map(string,vector<string>) to std::string
Hi all, I am writing a program that implements a uni-directional graph using std::map. I have to search for the key and then copy the vector<string> values corr...
[2 replies] Last: What exactly are you trying to accomplish in the context of the graph,... (by helios)
String class implementation
For coding practice I am writing a String class based on something a professor gave us back when I took data structures. I am getting an error in my code and do...
[3 replies] Last: Thanks for the help. It's working now. (by cppnoob25)
Fisrtly, i would like to apologize for posting here,the reason being i coudnt login to java forum (always says admin server down).Need help ASAP on question bel...
[1 reply] : Please don't double triple post, people will be less inclined to rep... (by TheIdeasMan)
Why don't I have to declare this namespace?
Hello All, I have a question about namespaces. Here's an example program. Header: #ifndef __SALES__H #define __SALES__H namespace SALES { const int QUART...
[1 reply] : ADL aka Koenig lookup: (by JLBorges)
by hoolD
How to provide users with options to input
Hi.I am trying to make a game in which the computer will ask the player which ship it wants to user by providing him with 5 options. How can I do it?
[3 replies] Last: @ Radar Just a little advice that might come in handy in the future:... (by TheIdeasMan)
Algorithm to find prime numbers in a range
Hi. Say I wish to find all the prime numbers between 10 to 50 What is the algorithm for this? Thanks
[8 replies] Last: @ Radar The code you found is one of the usual naive implementations... (by TheIdeasMan)
Any expert who can help ? Help Find Errors. It has at least 6 errors
#include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; const double PI = 3.141592654; void ConeVolume(double x, double n); int main() { doubl...
[3 replies] Last: Thank you (by pepsiytw)
by Tresky
When to use explicit?
I've been working recently on a library of sorts and I want to make sure I am programming everything "safely". One thing I have never been sure of is when to us...
[8 replies] Last: You'd usually like to leave ctors no-explicit if you want transparent ... (by TheHardew)
Hexadecimal String Recursion function HELP!
Hello guys! This is my first time posting in this site! I've only been lurking around, but anyways! I am having a lot of trouble getting this dumb function to w...
[3 replies] Last: Oh man I feel like Ia m close to the answer now!!!!! But I still need... (by Baby Goose)
by Radar
Easy way to end a c++ program
Is there an easy way to completely stop a c++ function inside a function that isn't main? It will save me a few "int's"
[8 replies] Last: I think throwing a control flow exception to be caught in main() is a... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Tresky
When is assert() to be used?
Hey guys, I am just wondering when assert() is a better choice to use over simple error handling mechanisms. It seems like handling the error myself would be...
[6 replies] Last: Wow! So many great explanations. Thanks everyone. You have definitely ... (by Tresky)
by Radar
switches with cout. Why doesn't it work?
I'm making a tic tac toe game for a homework question. And i'm getting confused on why this isn't working(it is the first time i've tried to do something as bi...
[5 replies] Last: One thing that really stands out to me is that you have an enumeration... (by Zhuge)
by jaja
Financial Application (Comparing loans with various interest rates
Write a program that lets the user enter the loan amount and loan period in number of years and displays the monthly and total payments for each interest rate s...
[5 replies] Last: Line 36 still makes no sense. You're mixing years and amounts. (by AbstractionAnon)
June 2015 Pages: 1234... 16
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