General C++ Programming - May 2016 (Page 17)

by setia
Game Monty Hall Problem Solution
Please help me, how about step by step mathematical solution if the program like this ? #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cstdlib> #include...
[1 reply] : Double post: http://w... (by chicofeo)
Tetris Rotation
I am currently at the last stage of the Tetris Clone using SDL library, the only thing left is rotation. For each piece I have a separate class, and in order to...
[2 replies] Last: Hey, thank you for the answer, my program almost corresponds to your i... (by LieForBananas)
fstream into a struct?
I do not know how to get my data into my struct. I know how streams work and how to get my info but i can not get them to work with a struct struct grade_...
[1 reply] : Most of the ingredients are there, it's a matter of putting them toget... (by Chervil)
Variable not holding value of largest int in vector
I am writing a program for class that should find the largest int from a vector of ints. The vector needs to contain 20 random int values. I have to create a fu...
[4 replies] Last: Is there anyway to have it display the max value with a void function... (by Chervil)
by jirals
Question about void pointers
Hi so one of the question on my lab explains to grade my pointer array into a passing or failing. Then the array should be passed to a function that calcula...
[1 reply] : You could do it like this: #include <iostream> #include <string> us... (by Thomas1965)
by dr86
Skipping line from unknown reason
Hello. I have modified one of the C++ Openfoam's libraries. Everything compiles well, without errors. However, when I run program, it brakes with error. When ...
[4 replies] Last: I put info like you said, compiled library, run program and nothing ha... (by dr86)
Check if a binary tree is height balanced
Is anyone able to tell me why this doesn't work as a recursive function to find whether a binary tree is height balanced using non-tail recursion? I was provide...
[6 replies] Last: @Peter87 This is all that google is giving me for it so there has to b... (by btoohey4)
Calculate Sales Items from a File
Hi, I am writing the code for a final project, and I'm struggling with this portion. I honestly don't even know where to begin. It's a menu driven program. I've...
[no replies]
May 2016 Pages: 1... 151617
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