General C++ Programming - May 2016 (Page 16)

matrix with verify
hello guys. I have created an n × n matrix. I have created a bool to verify that every nonzero element less than n appears only once time in each row and colum...
[10 replies] Last: It is C++11. Should work with a current version of Dev C++. For inst... (by sangi89)
Store address in int
Hello Just searched around and haven't found any tips... Is it possible anyhow to store memory address (obtained from pointer) as "regular" int? And then con...
[3 replies] Last: It's possible but it's a bad idea. Why is it necessary? Is it actually... (by Moschops)
How to create this program ?
Add 3% to 17810(to get new answer) and then again add 3% to the new answer. Continue till 8 times.
[3 replies] Last: You want to use either a for loop or a while loop that iterates 8 time... (by Kurisutofaa)
by WhatIf
How to delete an entry from std::map by value?
What is the best way to delete (key, value) from std::map based on value? I'm trying to delete an entry in std::map based on the value, not the key. Here is th...
[2 replies] Last: Both should accomplish your goals, the first removes by the iterator, ... (by jlb)
Struct project c++
Hey im having trouble completing this project involving structures. here are the requirements: Write a grading program for a class with the following grading p...
[no replies]
by kev558
Can you produce a xy plot and mark coordinates on the plot?
I have a number of vertices for shapes defined by the user, e.g. 4 vertices for a square etc. Is it possible, without using external libraries, to form a simpl...
[6 replies] Last: Fair enough. Thanks for the help anyway, was worth a shot. (by kev558)
by Ruthra
why does return statement assigns value?
why is the return statement in line 13 assigning integer values to array. All it should do is to return the element right? how is this possible? // overl...
[5 replies] Last: > above code causes an internal compiler error: in gen_type_die_with_u... (by JLBorges)
Vectors in if statements not working
I have a problem. I am trying to search for a letter in an entered variable. Here I have typed 'ABC' into the console for 'message'. string message; vector<c...
[3 replies] Last: If you're trying to compare to a single char, then use 'A'. 'A' is a ... (by Moschops)
by Ka1578
simulate holding down a keyboard key
EDIT: I was able to work around the problem by using Sleep(), but the question remains. _________ How would I programmatically hold down a keyboard key? I've ...
[no replies]
problem returning a varable
I am working on a game of pig. Just the human player for now. whenever I try to return the player's score at the end of the turn it comes back as zero. I can no...
[2 replies] Last: You never set the playerScore to anything besides 0. player(play... (by Kurisutofaa)
Reading a vector of unknown length
Hi, I'm writing a program where I'm instructed to prompt the user for two vectors, both of unknown length and type double, which will then be sorted into ascend...
[1 reply] : #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> #include <sst... (by JLBorges)
need help with this program (student information manager with linkedlist)
this code stores information about students (with linked list) , i need to add these abilities to it : 1.add and remove course name and get the grade of the ...
[no replies]
by motyas
Allegro on Xcode
Hello guys, i've wrote a question before this in which i ask how to install Allegro on Xcode, but i have a problem... (I did the things that i need to do in x...
[3 replies] Last: Not sure then. Did you try running with the code sample I gave in the ... (by MrHutch)
How to convert the address stored in the string to void* in c++
Friends, I have a address stored in string, I would like to convert back to original object, something like below Test& GetObject(string obj_address) {...
[2 replies] Last: Awesome. Thanks a lot. its working. (by Raviexact)
Call C++ class from C#
I want to use this C++ class in C#. .h file contains: struct XMFloat3 { public: float x; float y; float z; XMFloat3(){} XMFloat3(float _x, float _y,float _z)...
[no replies]
I need great Assistance
I'm asking anyone, who would be kind enough to help with with the programming codes for this project. This course i'm taking isn't my Major, not only that but t...
[1 reply] : I take courses that are not in my Computer Science's Major (i.e. Accou... (by chicofeo)
search word puzzle.....please help
I am writing a c++ word puzzle. I want to cin the size of 2d array and content array. Then, I want to cin a word to search in four directions as from (i) left t...
[8 replies] Last: > I believe yours is more efficient JLBorges No. Both get_col() an... (by JLBorges)
by moot
Template Class Not Working
For this project, I need to replicate a Priority Queue and I can use an array, vector, or linked list and I chose to use a vector. In the book I'm reading, it s...
[4 replies] Last: @jlb, Thanks for the tip and help! (by moot)
Linked List Template Class
Hi everyone I am having a bit of an issue implementing a template linked list class with a merge member function. The merge should take another linked list ...
[no replies]
by Ferris
Deleting nodes from a linked list
Hello, I've been trying to delete the first node from a linked list... I've written the pseudocode for it, but i'm not sure how to apply it with a void functio...
[no replies]
May 2016 Pages: 1... 14151617
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