General C++ Programming - November 2015 (Page 26)

Adjacency List Help
Hello guys I need help with creating the framework behind a current project. I am not going to ask you to do it for me, I just need some guidance. My task is...
[no replies]
Stuck with a vector
Hello everyone, I'm currently working on a school assignment, and for the life of me can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. We had to create a menu using an ar...
[3 replies] Last: You're trying to cout a class, which won't work. You need to do someth... (by Bingocat4)
Random numbers...interesting results
I have this to give me random numbers. int random(int low, int high) { srand(time(NULL)); return (rand() % high) + low; } it works just fine. However, whe...
[1 reply] : (by Duthomhas)
Help with implementing adjacency list
Hello guys I need help with creating the framework behind a current project. I am not going to ask you to do it for me, I just need some guidance. My task is t...
[no replies]
CTML - A HTML generator library. Feedback?
I was writing this little app of mine and it needed dynamic HTML to be generated. So I decided to write my own little library for it that is open-source, you ca...
[4 replies] Last: how would I achieve more abstraction? You clearly have different kind... (by kbw)
please help
how can i write a c++ program that opens , close or stop a specific program or application on windows also i want this program to be autoplay thank you
[1 reply] : You could use TerminateProcess to stop a program and ShellExecute to s... (by Bingocat4)
can not make a default constructor
here is the hash table implementation #ifndef HashTable_h #define HashTable_h #include <list> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespac...
[2 replies] Last: thanks peter87, i understand now (by johnson ye)
What is the difference between delete and delete[]?
Don't be afraid to give a technical response please.
[1 reply] : (by ShiftLeft)
November 2015 Pages: 1... 242526
  Archived months: [oct2015] [dec2015]

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