General C++ Programming - October 2014 (Page 4)

To Find out max and min in 2d array of random numbers
I want to know how to find mean, max, min of randomly generated numbers in 2d array. I just coded to produce random 2d array of numbers... #include...
[1 reply] : First look up what max, min and mean is and have a go at writing a few... (by closed account 48T7M4Gy)
Structures Program Help
Write a program that will search soccer players data to check whether a name supplied by the user is on that list. For doing the search, the user may provide ei...
[3 replies] Last: the problem is when the user inputs what they want to do. (by NicoFlowProductions)
by begha
When to use exceptions, asserts, general error messages or even something else?
This is something I still don't seem to understand. When do I use each of these options? For example when the pre-condition of an interface is not met. Appa...
[3 replies] Last: First, let's look at the situations where exceptions are supposed to b... (by Cubbi)
ready/device queue
So I have this function in a ready queue which enters processes into my device queue. PCB* ready_queue :: move_top(){ if (head != NULL){ PCB*temp = ...
[no replies]
Regex unexpected matching
I have written this regex to match a floating point literal: (^[[:space:]]*)(([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*( [+-]?[0-9]+)?)|" "(\.[0-9]+( [+-]?[0-9]+)?))( ?[[:space:]]*)...
[2 replies] Last: It works fine now thank you. And yes answering your question those wer... (by billyb29)
The code gives wrong answer in online compiler. WHy??
A positive integer is called a palindrome if its representation in the decimal system is the same when read from left to right and from right to left. For a giv...
[4 replies] Last: As I hinted, I think you need to store the numbers as strings instead.... (by dhayden)
by anely
Russian Peasant calculator URGENT
2. Write a program to act as a Russian Peasant Multiplication Calculator. This program should allow the user to carry out multiplication by just simply multiply...
[3 replies] Last: Question 2 // ConsoleApplication15.cpp : Defines the entry point for... (by anely)
Help Please Im Getting Frustrated
This is the problem i am supposed to solve : Proceed as in Exercise 6, but design the function to accept a single string object Consisting of a first name, a m...
[4 replies] Last: No it dosent work @ thechosengeorge (by SadeBranche)
Please, help me to fix optimized value result in crash issue
Security sec; Security secl ; SecurityList secList; while(!token.isEndOfInput()){ if (token.isTransaction()){ tran.action = token.getAction()...
[6 replies] Last: You're welcome! Glad it worked out. (by MikeyBoy)
'X' not declared in this scope Error, HELP
main.cpp #include <iostream> #include "sushi.h" using namespace std; int main() { do{ ......sushi go; ......string x; <------------------------...
[2 replies] Last: Instead of using dots, try clicking the "<>" format button and pasting... (by doug4)
cout << __func__ << " end is now: "<< temp -> pid << endl; why is temp -> pid in my device_start function stopping the program delete code
[16 replies] Last: So now the problem is: say I enter c1: So, process with PID 1 enters... (by Stephanie)
template classes, operator<<, node lists
I've read that this is a common problem in this kind of situation. I have Google'd, referred to class notes, and just done lots of research, but can't seem to f...
[1 reply] : friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &outStream, const Book<T> &other) ... (by MiiNiPaa)
by triggy
8 x 8 array, need assistance
Hows it going guys, I'm working on this 8x8 array that is filled with randoms numbers between 1 and 100, it has to search my matrix for the minimum and max valu...
[no replies]
Bubble sort keeps crashing
Hello, I am trying to write a program which will sort an array of numbers into ascending order, here is my code #include<iostream> #include<cmath> using...
[2 replies] Last: Thank you, this fixed my problem completely. (by maximus123)
by Cyks
If and statement?
I know this is probably a stupid question but I haven't slept in 50 years so gimme a break lol. Anyway how do you write an if and statement? Example of what...
[2 replies] Last: Your entire condition needs to be enclosed in parentheses, so: if (... (by MikeyBoy)
by KMagic
No file created
#include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <string> using namespace std; int main() { fstream myfile;"test.txt", ios::out...
[2 replies] Last: It works. Thank you very much. (by KMagic)
by Glaven
Sorting Arrays
for my program i need to sort my int numbers from highest to lowest but it seems that i made it go from lowest to highest can some help fix my code plea...
[1 reply] : Line 18. Your condition decides when to change order of elements. N... (by keskiverto)
basic programming problem
Hey guys, new to this forum. I am a 1st year eng student and am struggling with C++ codeing. I have spent ALOT of time watching youtube videos reading notes and...
[1 reply] : Take a look at this: (by coder777)
program won't run throughout
[1 reply] : Please, do not double post. It clutters forums and spreads attempts to... (by MiiNiPaa)
by Cyks
Function pointer workaround?
Hi, I'm working with some software that doesn't support function pointers. But I need them for a project I'm working on. Does anyone know some way to do somethi...
[4 replies] Last: void no_function_pointers(int PosRampYes, int nNxtButtonPressed /*ot... (by helios)
October 2014 Pages: 123456... 38
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