General C++ Programming - October 2016 (Page 5)

by DaviFN
DLL function crashes my program
Hello everyone. I've a simple problem, but I couldn't solve it yet because I'm a newbie in programming. See if you can help me: I'm creating a C++ trainer for ...
[6 replies] Last: GetLastError returned 5 when I placed it exactly after the WriteProces... (by DaviFN)
if/else program skips to last else statement
//Inertia of 3 Beams #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int majorBase, minBase, majorHei...
[5 replies] Last: I wouldn't bank on that formula for an I-beam, though. Box section: ma... (by lastchance)
Virtual Keycodes?
Hey, So I've found this piece of code that works for what I'd like it to do. However I'd like to change the key inputs on Lines 27, 29, 33, and 35. I've looked...
[2 replies] Last: Legend, Cheers mate. (by ChangeKey)
How do i count punctuations??
I am new to C++ so kinda need help. How do i count all the punctuations from a file?? These are the symbols in the file: ..;;?? .,.,.,?::: . and this is...
[12 replies] Last: The line 21 could/should read return 1; The execution is still in th... (by keskiverto)
Xerces C++ parsing
Hi, I have to parse XML documents by using the XERCES C++ library for one of my C++ application. I am new to C++ application development so if anyone have do...
[5 replies] Last: Hi, i do not know much about "XPath" ... this is a code snippet from... (by fluppe)
Am i doing correctly?
Hello everyone. I'm trying to implement Dijkstra Algorithm for finding the shortest path inside my code. Is it correct? If not can someone help me? This is t...
[6 replies] Last: Code below to use with input files: nodes.dat A B C D E F G and wei... (by lastchance)
by kim366
How do I get the C++ 17 Headers
Hi, I really like the new additions of C++17, but in MinGW -std=c++1z doesn't give me an error, but whenever I try to include a new header it says, the file ...
[8 replies] Last: Ah! std::experimental::optional<unsigned int> value; (by kim366)
by jy99
Passing data onto another array
I just learned C++ for 3 weeks and I have the basics down, and I can do some simple coding. But I'm stuck here on arrays when my lecturer taught this. Basically...
[6 replies] Last: Thanks, done a bit more research on my own and got it done, below is m... (by jy99)
To Use Classes in C++
Hi I have written a simple class in C++ but I am not able to use this in main function. #include "stdafx.h" #include <string> #include <sstream> #include ...
[5 replies] Last: The reason is that you did not implement ~Display() (the body is missi... (by coder777)
Some questions about Text Comparison
Hi guys, I'm new to C++ and I got some problems on the text comparison. I tried google and based on some tutorials on youtube. I need to say sorry since my ...
[4 replies] Last: You can use std::getline to read the entire line, and std::stringstrea... (by mbozzi)
Discriminant for Quadratic Formula
I have code here for solving quadratic equations using the quadratic formula that I wrote for an exercise in my book, but the discriminant seems to be coming ou...
[3 replies] Last: I just took a glance, but there's a bug on line 31 -- the same express... (by mbozzi)
ASCII roguelikegame
Heya, I am a newbie working on an ascii roguelike, but I have not figured out how one can make BOT players move at the same time as players. Not after a player ...
[4 replies] Last: could use the non-standard kbhit function found in conio.h. http://ww... (by Izink)
by dietzj
Setw() not working
So this program is not complete and probably isn't fully set up correctly but my problem for right now is that setw() is not working correctly for me. Can someo...
[1 reply] : What exactly do you mean setw isn't working? What are you expecting it... (by rabster)
Got an error while running Android tutorial-game using SDL2
Hello users, i am using SDL2. I am new to android developing. After checking all steps to install sdl2 for windows android i got the final apk file. After co...
[no replies]
Class template with vector
I have a messaging system. I receive a message as raw data. Memory is dynamically allocated using templates for each message type, then the raw data is copied...
[no replies]
Arrays program
You will be using arrays to track the food intake of 3 adorable monkeys for one week. After filling a 1 dimension with monkey names and a 2 dimension array wit...
[1 reply] : You have to divide by NUM_DAYS to get the relevant average. You only d... (by lastchance)
ASCII roguelike game A.I
Heya, I am a newbie working on an ascii roguelike, but I have not figured out how one can make BOT players move at the same time as players. Not after a player ...
[1 reply] : No - threads aren't necessary. Real concurrency was implemented as ... (by mbozzi)
X and O
I made an X and 0 game,but if one of the values of the array(X or O) is bigger than 3,the program says:X or O won.I wanna make something like a const(if a value...
[3 replies] Last: I arranged it a little bit,at now it works,thanks (by MoNNsterFTW)
by Xnot
printf changes array
Hei together I want to read a data with binarys in. then i want to print them out in Octets(bytes but here I have to name them octets). Now I startet, and every...
[3 replies] Last: %s tells printf that you are supplying it with a C-style nul-termi... (by cire)
by plexus
Question about smart pointers
I recently read LBs article on smart pointers. ( ) Again, I'm left with a question that none of all the articles that I've read...
[5 replies] Last: Thanks guys. That's the answer I was looking for. I like the assembly... (by plexus)
October 2016 Pages: 1... 34567... 23
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