General C++ Programming - October 2019 (Page 6)

SQLite::Exception: no such table: login
Hi friends, I'm creating what is, effectively for the sake of this explanation, a server that receives connections which call out to an SQL database (for aut...
[2 replies] Last: Hi Jonnin, Thanks for your reply. I don't think I'm being clear enoug... (by Aaron Vienneau)
How is one of these operator overloads different than the other?
n my textbook, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Fourth Edition) by Mark Allen Weiss, in chapter 3 pages 91 - 102 the book describes its own user-d...
[3 replies] Last: but I couldn't have both functions be identical in terms of what para... (by doug4)
by vroll
Storing Strings Read From a File
I am trying to store an nfl schedule from a .txt file, but I am having trouble in how to sift through the file and store it appropriately. The format of the ...
[1 reply] : Have you given an attempt to figure out out? We learn better when we t... (by Ganado)
Alphabet Chain in Binary Tree
Hi, I'm working on a project : Given an alphabet binary tree, find the length of the longest vowel chain and the node IDs on that chain. The length is defined...
[7 replies] Last: Thanks for the description. Oddly, this is the second question in 2 d... (by dhayden)
Why does increasing denominator allow you to find out whether a function is an element of some big-Oh set?
In my textbook, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Fourth Edition) by Mark Allen Weiss, in the problems for chapter 2, "Algorithm Analysis" on page ...
[12 replies] Last: Thank you both! @doug4- I finally get it now. So if we can establish ... (by vaderboi)
Calling a void function with user input (morse code)
I am confused on how to call the void function & make it prompt the user to input a string/output result in morse code. I am not sure I set up the actual void f...
[1 reply] : void functions just do not return a value. that is all void means. so... (by jonnin)
Getting inputs into two different arrays
Hey Everyone, I'm linking my existing code below but im having a hard time figuring out how to put the inputs into my existing arrays. There are 12 inputs the f...
[2 replies] Last: This is what I ended up with and it works perfectly, Thank you for hel... (by NateTheGr8)
Calculating sorting time for arrays
Hello, I am trying to fix the current program to calculate how long it takes to sort each of the five arrays. Right now it is only calculating how long it takes...
[18 replies] Last: pointers are strongly typed. you cannot send a float* to an int* the... (by jonnin)
Morse Code Project
If we are not allowed to use arrays in this project, I am confused on how to make "a morse code get/printing function that converts an individual char into a mo...
[3 replies] Last: what do yo u know, what can you use? Surely if you know arrays but ca... (by jonnin)
Git locally
We are using GIT SCM (but we are unhappy with that). But we would like to have the functionality that Github for example has like: issues, a wiki and projects a...
[7 replies] Last: You're welcome (by coder777)
functions decleared&defined in source and use another project
Hello All I build a huge project (hundreds of headers and source .c , .cpp) in visual studio. The issue is some of the functions is decleared "extent" with "d...
[1 reply] : All the information you require is in tge original error message. You... (by kbw)
by helios
Defining constant data in header
Is there any way to define a large (let's say, a kilobyte) constant array such that 1. There won't be duplicate definition errors. 2. The values will be stored ...
[11 replies] Last: Being patched out is a possible issue, for sure. Just wondering if i... (by jonnin)
Figuring out the upper bound of an algorithm with multiple embedded for-loops (1,2)
In my textbook, Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ (Fourth Edition) by Mark Allen Weiss, in the problems for chapter 2, "Algorithm Analysis", on p...
[22 replies] Last: Hah, I fogot NlgN in the list, so 4 common ones, or as you said, vario... (by jonnin)
std::cout prints old value
If I call a function, that changes value of a variable, in std::cout and try to print that value then std::cout prints old value. #include <iostream> int rese...
[9 replies] Last: So, prior to C++17 the behaviour was "unspecified" (and the implementa... (by lastchance)
Singly Linked List- Pointer issues and segfaults
Firstly, this is my first posting here. I've read through the guidelines, and have hopefully managed to follow them. If not, please advise! :) Problem: I...
[2 replies] Last: Hmm. I found several ideas in this that weren't implemented in my cod... (by jrbobdobbs83)
by prxvvy
Hello, I've recently started to learn C++ and was trying to code an autoclicker. This one's a simple one but I'd like to it to generate random clicks for instan...
[6 replies] Last: @prxvvy random means nobody know what result will turn out. there is a... (by malibor)
[Error] too many initializers for char array
Hey seniors, I am facing a problem of initialization of character array, it gives error of too much initializer. int n=12; char *ptr; char array...
[3 replies] Last: The right solutions is not to use C code when programming with C++. No... (by Thomas Huxhorn)
transform/convert enum type
How do we transform/convert enum type into any variable (int, char, etc) type in c++?
[1 reply] : // Example program #include <iostream> enum class Answer : int { Y... (by Ganado)
make a variable global across all .cpp
How do we make a variable global across all .cpp files/modules of one (will-be) binary, which is to be compiled and linked by g++ in one line?
[2 replies] Last: with a couple of extra lines you can make it a static class variable. (by jonnin)
KMP vs. Naive substring search algorithms
Why would a brute force/naive algorithm outperform a KMP substring search algorithm? Are there known specific/prototypical scenarios, (i.e., the pattern substri...
[2 replies] Last: have you tried to tune the kmp any yet? It seems like it has some pot... (by jonnin)
October 2019 Pages: 1... 45678... 10
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