Opinions on bitcoin

What do you guys think about it? As an alternative to paper money?
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It seems okay, I've decided to not touch it though, I was a fool and sold off everything during the last massive drop; great to see that it has become pretty stable now.
It'd be even cooler if North America would accept it as an official currency, then it would really take off. O:
It's way too unstable to be a real currency.
What do you mean by unstable?
The value fluctuates too much. It's deregulated so people can speculate on it as much as they want and that makes its value unstable.
its more stable than spain and greece at the moment, thats why its popular over there, big banks are going to see it as competition and use powerful tricks to destroy it
closed account (G309216C)
The problem with BitCoins are that if they are expected as Real Currency you can expect a sharp rise in Computer Crime.

Most of the Gangs such as Mafia and such depend solely to earn REAL-MONEY aka paper money.

This is also harder to steal and such because they are physical and are protected physically by hundreds of people such as guards and such but in Computer World I and you can commit crime so easily.

Look around the internet, programming and hacking is easily available to learn.

Whereas Robbery plans and Stealing plans are not thus ordinary people like me and you will find it nearly impossible to learn how to crack advanced safes open and stuff. Not saying Robbery is the only way to steal money but as a example

Also not every one has access to computer, even in the Developed countries some do not have access to Computer and mainly to internet.

Also It is so easy to do a fraud with BitCoin such as Infect and Mine and then there is website hacking. Hack into the database then change the password of Admin then log in change prices then buy it yourself and then sell it in real-world...and make $$$.

See whereas 99.9999% of population cannot manage this.

These are few points.
seems like it would be harder to steal a bit coin than to rob someones wallet tbh
closed account (G309216C)
Well, Not really becuase Wallet will give you less money but even stealing around 10 bit coins will get you around $150 which is quite a lot.

People can allready alter the prices of things online though, I suppose any argument against bit coins is also an argument against internet banking/buying

hackers have messed with loads of big banks allready too
Wallet will give you less money but even stealing around 10 bit coins will get you around $150 which is quite a lot.
But your wallet doesn't encrypt money.

Hack into the database then change the password of Admin then log in change prices then buy it yourself and then sell it in real-world
People tend to notice when they can no longer log into their systems, or when prices keep magically changing themselves.
I'm surprised no one here mentioned online BOTS. If the value fluctuates so much, a BOT could be programmed to by low and sell high. It would be incredibly lucrative, and more importantly: it's technically not considered a crim to buy/sell.
I wouldn't trust software to spend my money.
closed account (G309216C)
- First they will find a SQL, LFI , RFI or other Remote 0-day and exploit the web server to gain access

- then they will shell the website mostly - c99 shell or a custom made shell
- then they will simply steal all the bit-coins without changing prices and such
- they will then delete the IP logs.

- Install a back-door, to allow them to come back later with delete IP logs setting

simple. Once I shell a website I can install a back-door to come back later rather than change the password of users. This is what I normally do during testing other authorized websites of my friends.

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