This emoticon: >_>

Starting a new thread about this as not to derail the other one.

In this thread:

LB offered this explanation as for the meaning of the >_> emoticon:
L B wrote:
Neither, ">_>" or "<_<" is used when you're trying to convey serious silliness.

I never thought of it that way, but I suppose it can mean that.

I always took it to be a shifty-eye emoticon, so its usage would be apt in any situation where... well... where you'd shift your eyes. Usually in situations that are uncomfortable.

This can be used with a mix of concern or confusion:
I don't know WHAT that guy was talking about... >_>

Or as a "...what of it." response to pre-empt someone disagreeing with you:
Person A: Man, I hate pickles.
Person B: Yeah, pickles suck.
Person C: I kind of like pickles, actually... >_>

I guess it works as silliness/sarcasm as well...though in that case I'd usually imagine someone with a smirk as they shift their eyes... which the flat mouth of the emoticon doesn't really convey.

I guess it just fascinates me that different people take these emoticons to mean different things.
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I always took it to be a shifty-eye emoticon, so its usage would be apt in any situation where... well... where you'd shift your eyes. Usually in situations that are uncomfortable.

Yeah. That's what I've always taken it as too.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
I thought the same. It's weird though.

I guess it just fascinates me that different people take these emoticons to mean different things.

Consider someone laughing. Why are they laughing? Well, maybe they heard a joke and they are happy. They could be laughing because they are nervous. Maybe they are laughing because they heard a joke and it wasn't funny, but they are trying to protect the other person's feelings or impress their boss. Maybe they are laughing because so many shit things just happened to them and they find it unbelievable. Maybe they are just laughing because they are high...

So I don't really find it surprising that emotes often can convey several meanings.
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