Should we all get free ps4's

Pages: 12
No, Nintendo and Sony have always been rivalries and tried to put it aside to make the SNESPS, but Nintendo then tried to sneak and have Phillips do it which Phillips failed to do, but this broke the agreement Nintendo/Sony had and since the CD was on Sony's side they just kept the data and made the Playstation and the rest is history.
closed account (N36fSL3A)
And what would they even rival about? Before discussion of a new system Sony and Nintendo were aimed at two different markets.
Don't know. Every thing, even Nintendo and Sony say they have always been rivals even though Nintendo was always a game company and Sony started out as a radio company. They both are originally Japanese companies and since I'm not well versed on Japan or its culture, for all I know all companies there may be rivals. I just know that all Nintendo/Sony history sites say they have always been rivals and put it aside to work on the Super NES Play Station.
Before discussion of a new system Sony and Nintendo were aimed at two different markets.

*cough* Microsoft vs Apple *cough*
ResidentBiscuit wrote:
*cough* Microsoft vs Apple *cough*

Huh? Microsoft and Apple weren't in different markets though. I'm lost on your comparison because they both did computers, didn't they? I though Gates started Microsoft and Jobs started Apple. I never paid attention to their story that much so I can't remember all the details.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
Nintendo and Sony aren't/weren't either. But they did target different audiences, just as Microsoft and Apple do.
Nintendo and Sony were in different markets at the time of their rivalry. Nintendo was into games and Sony was in Radio and TV. Sony didn't go into the gaming market until they made the Playstation. Microsoft and Apple are both made computers.
Last edited on by closed account z6A9GNh0
I read somewhere I think it was wikipedia, that said nintendo originally started out in the 'love hotel' business. How they made the switch to video games is interesting.
@ Manga: Nintendo started out making board games.

@ Anyone who is interested: I highly recommend the movie "Pirates of Silicon Valley" if you ever get the chance. It may be a little dry but it's not like shot in a documentary style and it isn't vulgar in anyway. It shows some REALLY interesting things about when Microsoft and Apple were starting up. Some thing to think about, people generally don't speak at their main business rivals funeral so why did Bill Gates do it?
Some thing to think about, people generally don't speak at their main business rivals funeral so why did Bill Gates do it?

The idealist in me likes to think they had a great amount of respect for each other and wanted to show that.

Buuut, I would bet it was just a PR opportunity.

No, it says cab services and love hotels, and card games... sorry dude.
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