Blender anyone?

So I was thinking of maybe starting a blender study group. If this sounds like a good idea to anyone, and maybe you would want to join, then let me know.
whats blender? i know it has to do with game design, but is it like an api? i would be down to join it
Blender is a free open source modeling software which also has a few added features. If you are familiar with other modeling software like Maya or 3D Max it is basically a free opensource version of those.

It features all the standard features like rigging, animation, material creation, scultping, ect. It also in some aspects goes beyond just a 3D modeling software, for example it includes a "complete"1 game engine in it which allows you to create games in it. Here is a the websites feature outline if you are curious .

I have seen Blender mainly used as a software to create 3D and 2D assets for games, though I have also seen it used to make 3D movie clip (And full movies) and simple 3D games (Mainly used as a level editor).

1In reality blenders "game engine" really doesn't stack up to modern game engines like UE4, Cryengine, ect. Don't get me wrong it is not a bad system but Blenders main use is as a modeler and not a game engine so the game engine functionality kinda gets pushed off to the side a bit.
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I myself have not yet gotten into the game engine part, but the modeling aspect is super!

This link shows a chess board I made with blender. You can kind of see where my level of ability is currently at.
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I think if there were more game developers willing to take interest in blender as a game engine, then this would spur the blender foundation to invest more effort into the game engine side.
@ Manga: That chessboard looks neat! Good job! :)
Manga wrote:
I think if there were more game developers willing to take interest in blender as a game engine, then this would spur the blender foundation to invest more effort into the game engine side.

The problem is that blender's main functionality isn't as a game engine. It is more of a side feature that they threw in. As a game developer myself I look at Blender's game engine features and compare them to engines like UE4, Cryengine, Unity, Irrlicht, ect. and it doesn't really match up. Specially with the new wave of engines that are coming out.

Which is not a bad thing at all since Blender is not really meant to be a game engine (It was more of a side feature that was thrown in there), it is meant to be a modeler and it does a dang good job at that.

So while ya if more developers took a interest they would probably invest more effort into the game engine side but in reality there is much better options available for game engines.

There is also the possibility that with blender trying to do to many things instead of concentrating on one thing and doing it well that it will ultimately hurt the product. This isn't always the case but is a definite possibility.

Also like Stormboy mentioned very nice with the chessboard, looks quite good and is definitely better anything I could do :).
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Thanks for the compliments all, but to be honest blender did all the work. It is a most basic series of squares and then blender took it and kicked butt!

Next I am trying to model something more challenging. A robotech craft in gaurdian mode. I hope I can do this!
But will it blend?
and todays deep question had been brought to you by cheraphy, and the letter 4
Manga wrote:
Thanks for the compliments all, but to be honest blender did all the work.

Yeah, just like C++ does all the work, but it still takes the programmer using the language to tell it what to do. Same with Blender, it did all the work, but you had to tell it what to do in order to do it. You need to be proud of everything you do even when it seems minor.
The Specter is right! I am awsome.

You know, I felt the same way when I wrote my first 'hello world' program.
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