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What is the difference between C++, C and C#?

Pages: 12
So far the only programming language that i know is C++, but I have no prior experience with C or C#. Are these extensions of C++?

Does C# enable you to make programs like you do in C++ or can you make applications like java?
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C++ was originally an extension of C, though they have diverged in recent standards and are now quite different languages.

C# is another language that is derived from C, which is more like Java than C++. Syntactically, the langauges are similar, but they work very differently. If anything, the closest language to C# (in my opinion) would be Java.
also, c# is a windows programming language. you can do it on linux with mono, but its mostly meant for windows. although, with .net becoming open source and apparently becoming cross platform, i guess thats less irrelevant these days
There wasn't anything in particular that held C# back, but it's best IDE, tools, and libraries were only available on Windows.
And don't forget Objective-C.
i think there are a lot of people that want to forget obj-c
The same is said of C#, and for many students, C++.
Obj-C is still heavily used in the Mac world it seems. It's not going away anytime soon from my understanding.
Yea, but that's pretty much the only place it's used. May as well be a domain specific language.
Objective C is pretty much only good if you're developing for Apple-only platforms. Other than that, it's best that you just keep a common C/C++ codebase.
I disagree. Objective C is actively developed and maintained in multiple compilers. I don't think it's right to tell anyone to not use a language that they may like if the language fits their purpose. Objective C has its strong points and people will stand up for it like people will stand up for C or C++.

There's a difference in arguing against the poor points of a language and saying the language is poor.
What about Objective-C++?
What about C+? C--? D? B? F? F#? Why do we name languages after letters?
Why do we name languages after letters?

I think the blame goes to B and then C for going after B.
My favorite language (by name) is APL (literally "A programming language").
sorry for off topic
closed account (z05DSL3A)
What about Objective-C++?
It is not really a language more mixing Objective-C and C++ in the same source.
There's a difference in arguing against the poor points of a language and saying the language is poor.
The language is fine. I'm saying that it's pretty much locked to one platform. Sure, you might be able to use it on others, but it's really in the same boat as C# right now... it's best tools are only on one platform.
thats just an opinion though which tool is great or not. for example, even if i did write c# code on windows i wouldnt use visual studios because i dont like ides. with gnu step, and mono/wine, its not really all that difficult to write good obj-c/c# apps on linux, especially with .net becoming open source and slated to be ported to linux iirc (the only disadvantage to writing obj-c apps on a non mac platform is you dont have the cocoa library, but that doesnt have to be a nail in the coffin). should you is a completely different talk.
So "objective" basically means "Object-oriented" right?
Sure, you'll have it running on Linux, but there are much more C# tools on Windows. There is no denying that. It's not an opinion.

It's like a screw-driver vs a power-drill. You're going to get the job done quicker with a power-drill.
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Objective-C has no vendor lock in. I've seen it in use on Linux and Windows but mostly Mac. It's simply not as popular as other languages... at least it's more popular than Pascal (poor Pascal... popular one day, abandoned the next).
Pages: 12