Woot! 3000th post!

Pages: 123
I never figured I'd actually type "woot" either... Makes me feel a third my age.

Tomorrow's the anniversary of when I proposed to my wife. I'm gonna do something nice for her.

And for a final random thought: 72.
You're 35 and she's 37.
72 is the sum of your ages.

Also, congrats. Also, check your PMs...

Edit: actually, you'd be 36, so she's 36 too? That obviously only applies if I'm right and 72 is the sum of your ages...
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LOL, no, actually 72 really is just a random number.

Thanks though! :-)
Oh... I guess that's what I get for trying to be smart :)
Congrats, for the posts. :)

I never figured I'd actually type "woot" either... Makes me feel a third my age.

Nah that just the Internet kicking in, you can be worried when when your sentences look like MMORPG chat
I think you can be more worried when you actually say woot out loud.

Congratulations though :)
closed account (S6k9GNh0)
omgbffjill? raid 2moro @ 3 CST! wot wot wooooooot! roflcakewtf.

^mmorpg talk?
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That's fairly accurate.

Say, you're not one of them; are you?
And how would you know that's accurate?
*plays dead*
omgbffjill? raid 2moro @ 3 CST! wot wot wooooooot! roflcakewtf.

I don't sound like that when I play...
wot wot

So all MMORPGers are British now? XD
Huh? Why would "wot wot" make them British???

In other news, half... way... there...
chrisname wrote:
Why would "wot wot" make them British???

Ohhhhh... I get it.
Wait what entirely do you guys play?

I come clean and say I play MapleStory but I never talk like that :(
I don't play mmorpgs any more. I used to, however; and when I did, I played runescape.
I've been playing World of Warcraft for the past few years.... how sad.
Not really. The majority of us here are geeks anyway; we're not gonna make fun of you.

My ideal Saturday is drinking Pepsi and playing Halo (albeit with a friend or two). As if I have anything to make fun of :P

Oh and for the record, I'm listening to the Pokemon, Sonic and Super Mario Bros soundtracks on a loop with shuffle on while programming.
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Pages: 123