Recommendations for Linux compiler/text editor

closed account (i8bjz8AR)
I have a few posts in this lounge already about Linux, as I'm trying to prepare myself for cs2 next semester along with other classes that Linux will be useful for. So as I'll be doing alot of c++ coding, how do I do it, or what is the best way for a beginner programmer to go about doing this on Linux? Can I just install codeblocks again and be on my way? Or do I use a text editor like gedit? Also, what compiler would I use to check for errors? Any programs you guys recommend me download? Thanks for all the advice!

Yep just install code blocks. Clang with gcc is probably the best compiler. Clang comes from Regards & happy Xmas
You can get code::blocks if you wish or you can use Atom, gedit or any other text editor to code and use the terminal to compile. I would go with gcc. It can be installed using sudo apt-get install build-essential. You can google packages you would like to install and if I remember I believe there is some type of software centre on Ubuntu so you may use that to install your applications.
closed account (i8bjz8AR)
Thank you both! So clang would be considered what? And gcc would be my compiler? Merry Christmas as well!
> what is the best way for a beginner programmer to go about doing this on Linux?

Use the latest version of more than one compiler/library to build compile your code.
The standard Linux options are: LLVM clang++ with libc++ and its poor cousin GNU g++ with libstdc++.

IMHO stuff:
Consider using vi (or vim) for a text editor. The learning curve is quite steep, but the effort invested will reward you many times over, over the years.

Consider getting familiar with the tool-chain. Start with compiling and linking from the command line, and then graduate to using make files.

Learn to use a debugger. lldb would be an excellent choice; gdb is the GNU offering.
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