The matter of using libido triggering images in order to make people click an article

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closed account (367kGNh0)
So in this case. The student who goes to the club with his friends every evening, in comparison to the one who sits at home enjoying a book, is "winning life"?

Speaking of evening. I imagine several of your peers will take this holiday to find a job? Do you, working as a sound producer, have no need to look for jobs as they do? I sort of hope to achieve a similer colledge hood with a small android playstore game maker. May happen, may not, I hope my conception that creativity is key doesn't fail me.

Is that easier to understand?
But they all will benefit me. I need Arabic to talk to several of my relatives, Japanese to move to the country exceeding in multiple areas!

And back to anime and intellect. I think I saw one fail horribly in enforcing it.
In hunter X. The protagonist jumped off a boat to catch a fallen crew member, and his two colleagues caught him, and the fallen crew member, saving both their lives. The two colleagues said "We may have not caught you"
Protagonist said "but you did catch me" ...

What on earth is the moral?? It was made to look like an enlightenment.
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The student who goes to the club with his friends every evening, in comparison to the one who sits at home enjoying a book, is "winning life"?

Read carefully, it says pleasure. Where you derive it is your personal thing.

I imagine several of your peers will take this holiday to find a job? Do you, working as a sound producer, have no need to look for jobs as they do? I sort of hope to achieve a similer colledge hood with a small android playstore game maker. May happen, may not, I hope my conception that creativity is key doesn't fail me.

They look for jobs because they need money. I'm not in the same situation. I do get jobs with audio, but I'm not making a living off it.

What on earth is the moral?? It was made to look like an enlightenment.

Called trust. He trusted his crew with his life.
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I think these discussions are too meandering for the forum, and that a better venue for them would be Gitter. The channel has been sitting unused for months, so we may as well use it.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Called trust. He trusted his crew with his life.
What does the viewer take away from the scene?

Hmm, well it all depends on how to want to live life. "Whatever makes you happy" may be the right motive IF you want to live life that way

"Whatever helps you get by" may be the right motive IF you can't affort trivial luxuries

"Whatever is intellectual" may be the right motive IF you can't bring yourself to entertainment like the way the rest do. And do not wish to life a life of pleasure.
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I got onto the chat, it is pretty dead. I'll be leaving soon anyway though so probably will use it later.

What does the viewer take away from the scene?

You can take away whatever you want to take away. Like the misguided take away you got from the Quran story where the prophet kills the child.

And it was simply one way of living life, obviously most people don't live like that (or can't).
By the way, here's a Death Note quote:

"Nobody can tell what is right and what is wrong, what is righteous and what is evil. Even if there is a God and I had his teachings before me, I would think it through, and decide if it was right or wrong myself."
No, zapshe. Morality is objective, and obviously mine is the correct one. I mean, it's so obvious to me that I'm right, everyone else must be stupid for not seeing it!
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closed account (367kGNh0)
I don't really like the idea of crediting a fictional person for a quote, for that UNIQUE wisdom (which I don't see much of in your quote, zapshe) came from the mind of a script writer, or somebody affliciated with the show. *Cartoon character X* did not come up the quote, a human did. Though talking of quotations I did find one I see meaning in, in my book I read today.

[His grandson] would also look at the calendar, realise it's been a while and visit his grandfather, with no delight, but a sense of duty
I makes me worry if, after having departed from family, what will be the dominant sense in me when visiting my family, duty or delight?

I think it went a tad far when it very well justified dying sooner as an elderly, but then again it's what you expect in adult books

Perhaps [person] was right after all, perhaps it was unreasonable to live to be as ancient as a spruce tree and then just lie in bed, nothing but a burden

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I don't really like the idea of crediting a fictional person for a quote, for that UNIQUE wisdom (which I don't see much of in your quote, zapshe) came from the mind of a script writer, or somebody affliciated with the show. *Cartoon character X* did not come up the quote, a human did.

The nice thing about a good anime is that it wont just present one philosophy/ideology. Characters will disagree. It's best to quote the characters so that if someone looks back, they know who thought what. The author may present view points they don't agree with so that the main character can reflect on it/argue it.

Of course you don't see wisdom in the quote. I'm sure in your mind, your thinking something like, "So this person is going to have the answers and STILL reject them!?"

On the path to becoming Zero the miracle worker:
Even messiahs need to perform miracles if they're to be acknowledged. Therefor, we have to produce our own miracle, don't we?
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