The matter of using libido triggering images in order to make people click an article

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closed account (367kGNh0)
Ah, kasabu family yako ana zungumza arabu, wewe naye umtu indani ya family yaka muslim?

Ah, because your family speaks arabic, do you have someone in your family that is a muslim?

Swahili is my actual first language, but I feel like it is too similar to english gramatically and it is fairly easy, regarded as one of the easiest languages in the country, so I decided to learn Japanese.
Ah, kasabu family yako ana zungumza arabu, wewe naye umtu indani ya family yaka muslim?

Was this Swahili?

Ah, because your family speaks arabic, do you have someone in your family that is a muslim?

Of all my direct family, uncles, aunts, grandparents, etc., I'm the only one that I know of not to be Muslim.

It's funny, they always burn this horrid wood that makes this horrible smoke everyday to keep away evil spirits or whatever, then they wonder why they've all got cancer after 50 years.
closed account (367kGNh0)
they've all got cancer after 50 years.
Goodness fish! my condolences. That is harsh, innocent people doing their tradition, not harming a fly coming to such a fate. Condolences again (plus what kind of cancer, lung I imagine?)

Yes that was swahili
Smoke can cause all kinds of cancer, not necessarily lung cancer. I think it was stomach cancer for grandma, and maybe brain for grandfather, but I'm not too sure. It wasn't anyone in my immediate family, but both my grandparents on my mother's side died from cancer. And of course, as the grandma died from cancer (this was the death I was there for), they brought in some religious nut who continued to burn the wood.

On my father's side, cancer isn't a big thing. He's from Cairo, where this is less of a thing. My mom was from the disgusting country underneath it. Glad to say I'm never going there again.

I was in elementary school at the time, took time off to go there with my mom. I've always been pretty logical and less feely, I didn't really care when she died, barely knew her and she infuriated me whenever I had talked with her (She was just so stupid..). Anyway, they are WAY too emotional over there. People who BARELY knew this woman came into the house crying over her. I think it's a traditional thing. I'm pretty sure some of those people may have just been random people passing by who may not have even ever known her. I stayed in my room and you could hear wailing in the living room. Anyway, I don't know why they let me, but I saw her dead body. You'd think that would be something they'd want to shield me from, but maybe those are more western values.

EDIT: Speaking of her. YEARS later, in highschool, I was at the DMV and saw a woman that was looked JUST like her. Like I believed it was her for a split second. Down the freckles, the look in her eye, everything was exactly the same (except the skin tone was slightly more yellowish). It was weird, almost like she had come back to life.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Had you atleast atoned for the nine months of inconvenience she endured having you in her body. Perhaps 5-4 months if you don't count early pregnancy
My mom is alive. I was speaking of my grandmother.

Also, I have nothing to atone for, it wasn't my choice to get her pregnant, she made the decision. She wanted a child, she got one. I don't ever understand the argument that a child somehow owes their parents for giving birth to them. Sure, owe them for taking care of you afterwards, but for simply giving birth to you?
This is fucking gold. So to Rascake a fetus has measurably more responsibility for its own existence inside a womb than an embryo. He doesn't just think unborn children have any responsibility at all, which by itself would be stupid enough, he also assigns different levels of agency at different points of the gestation period.
I wonder if he also thinks corpses should be required to pay for their own disposal. If someone dies and their decomposition negatively affects the value of a property, should their remains be carted into court and be made to pay for the damages?

Sometimes I simultaneously wish I could SSH into other people's brains to see what else is bouncing around in there, and am thankful that I can't.
closed account (367kGNh0)
So to Rascake a fetus has measurably more responsibility for its own existence inside a womb
Not at all. "Atone" was not a good choice of wording. Rather...relieve. The way zapshe described it (I know know it was not his mother) made me imagine a man who NEVER in his life showed gratitude for his parents. I take back what I said:
...ereh esreve ycnangerp ylrae tnuoc t'nod uoy fi shtnom 4-5 spahreP .ydob reh ni uoy gnivah derudne ehs ecneinevnocni fo shtnom enin eht rof denota tsaelta uoy daHr ot txet epyT

And ask you to consider it instead like seeing a person you have never ever been afflicted struggling to carry their goods, and carrying few of their good for them for a little bit of the journey.

Sometimes I simultaneously wish I could SSH into other people's brains to see what else is bouncing around in there, and am thankful that I can't.
Rather you mean you want to go venture into the minds of specific people? Personally I would only be thankful I can't. I don't know how I would erase the pornography images from my own memories after venturing into
int people [] = { "person1", "person2", "person3", "person4", "person5" };

rand()%5[people]'s brain

Or the futile trivial information in rand()%5[people]'s brain

Maybe if I went in Albert's brain, I could see his pre-planned last words in German, but I may also suddenly have incestuous thoughts, that I just find obnoxious.
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And ask you to consider it instead like seeing a person you have never ever been afflicted struggling to carry their goods, and carrying few of their good for them for a little bit of the journey.

"Repay" is still wrong. One can only repay a debt, but someone who doesn't yet exist cannot take on debt, nor can someone take on debt as a consequence of someone else's decisions. Your birth was something that you never asked for and that was completely outside your control, therefore you don't owe anyone anything for just being born.
Carrying a pregnancy to term means nothing. It's been done literally billions of times. Let's talk about the care that's given afterwards instead.

Honestly, I find these kinds of ideas (that someone can be born indebted, or with sin, or with privilege) sickening.
closed account (367kGNh0)
no let's talk about nothing to do with the kindness we've shown to anybody. For such is potentially negative. I don't want to end up making anybody say that which may be regarded as boasting. Otherwise, wow, how good life when you stay in school, don't you agree. Obtain a degree in science, English and maths and you may well be set for life, atleast so much so that you can enjoy everyday drinking your own succulent homemade oat smoothie for breakfast and enjoying a wholemeal pasta bake for dinner. Life really is good, no matter where you're located. I feel the burdens te youth have saddled themselves with after obtaining an unforgiving lust for likes on social media have ridded them of their ability to have gratitude for the little yet affective and affordable wellbeing goods they can easily prep for themselves. When they take the time to prepare a nice blended drink I feel some will spend more time showing off their achievement than consuming it. The illusion of burden.
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I have no idea what you're saying.

I don't know how I would erase the pornography images from my own memories
For someone who supposedly doesn't use pornography, it sure seems to take up a sizable chunk of your CPU time. Maybe if you just accepted that you're going to see some from time to time you could use that energy for something useful.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
I don't think I waste a lot of energy, infact this very idea connotes to the fact I recently committed truancy in order to avoid attending sportsday, for more intellectual matters, as seen earlier:

Tabe is eat, I'll list as much as I few


I really do not loose my hair over pornography, this forum is just my brain break place, to avoid "cram learning" without entertaining myself with movie or video games in the spare time, I come here. I really don't talk about pornography a lot, that previous incident was just theory, and the origin of this topic, exceptional.

I will do a 2 hour sports lesson if I must but an entire afternoon lost, to toss a few discusses and wait, to me, is merely unideal. The children have brains with potential at that age, I always thing of the intellectual activities I can do in the time lost to futile topics.
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I feel like we're the same person sometimes Helios.

For some reason this reminds me of this LGFQT, or whatever those letters are, male who was talking with this overweight blonde about health "concerns" with the health system for people like him. She asks him if the health system is alright, and he of course says no. Anyway, they talk and talk and it was just bullshit, the level of retardation needed to be in that conversation was astounding. It was in the library at the university, I KNOW OTHERS COULD HEAR IT. I was looking around, everyone is pretending like it wasn't happening.

Basically, he said that he caught some STD, went to several clinics, they wouldn't treat him (I assume he went to the wrong ones and he should have just gone to a hospital instead because they'd refer him to someone else). He also said that the nearest place was 20 minutes away, and he shouldn't be expected to be able to get their on his own, especially as a college student with debt, that someone should COME PICK HIM UP FOR FREE (🤦‍♂️). And of course, he was very worried about whether or not the staff would use his correct pronouns. He also spouted some nonsense "statistic" about how more than half of the people in this group are raped every year. He was just stereotypical all around. This wasn't even the worst of it (at some point aliens came up) but what I remember right now.

The way zapshe described it (I know know it was not his mother) made me imagine a man who NEVER in his life showed gratitude for his parents.


I really do not loose my hair over pornography

Could've fooled me. If you say you wont lose your hair over it, then you'd be less avoiding of it. You wouldn't do research or want to jump into another person's mind (which would be an amazing and likely depressing experience) because of that darn porn!
closed account (367kGNh0)
For some reason this reminds me of this ...
Me being the equaivalent to the man you mention? I think the issue is more his sense of entitlement, and his lack of patience, but who am I to judge, I have never seen him. But the way describe him makes he imagine he is a victim of organisations like Insanity asylumBuzzfeed, believing and feeling obliged to enforce anything he discovers.

How could possibly resemble that which is "nice" I'd say the antonyms for a monosyllabic comment

You wouldn't do research or want to jump into another person's mind
It was one time. one action does not define a whole person (for once a quote from a book, rather than media). I think true attachment, good or bad, is evident once one tears up over what happens to it. Personally, I feel sorry for those who tear up over fiction, excluding morality short films, I did find a film about elderly abandoment distressing. Amazing how even non violent actions, the simple act of letting go, can play with your emotions

do you tear up at anime, would you understand if others did?

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Me being the equaivalent to the man you mention?

No, I'd say he's on a whole other level than you. He can't be saved without mental trauma.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Explanation for the "nice?" Seen in post above
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The nice was sarcastic.

It was one time. one action does not define a whole person

On the contrary, it depends on the action. More over, even smaller actions tend to reveal about the person, especially actions that came without much prior thought as they'll show some of their true nature.

do you tear up at anime, would you understand if others did?

Many cry when watching anime like Angel Beats, Code Geass (ending), Clannad (which I thought wasn't sad at all), etc..

I got teary eyed but have never cried from an anime. I never thought someone would make me teary eyed, but some anime are just too intense.
closed account (367kGNh0)
But in a sense you have allowed fiction to surpass one of the most crucial elements of a human, the will to withstand. Such may not "be wrong" by written reasons but such seems...futile.
But in a sense you have allowed fiction to surpass one of the most crucial elements of a human, the will to withstand.


And also, have you TRIED anime (the anime I've recommended)? You seem to be judging it and have said before something about "anime eyes". You should really watch things like Death Note and Code Geass before coming to your conclusions.
closed account (367kGNh0)
have you TRIED anime
Regretfully, once years ago I walked into an anime club and instantly became infatuated with "HunterXHunter"(fortunately it only consumed my SCHOOL free time, it it was my own time I lost to this I would have cried a few weeks later in shame of the potential lost). That's all really, but I think fiction is fiction. So that doesn't defend your case to myself
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