The matter of using libido triggering images in order to make people click an article

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An anime club? That's probably the worst place to ever go. That's where you find all the generic anime watchers with generic anime to share.

Watch Death Note, Code Geass, Steins;Gate, Aldnoah.Zero, Btooom!, Darker than Black, Ergo Proxy, Future Diary, Monster, etc.. Watch some of these anime. If you look at the generic anime (which I'm not saying HunterxHunter is - heard a lot about it but haven't gotten to it) you'll never appreciate it.

that doesn't defend your case

I don't know what your argument is to defend against.
closed account (367kGNh0)
That's probably the worst place to ever go.
I'd say it's the XXX clubs. And bars, clubs, places with those who lack intellect and hastily intoxicate themselves. Vitiating the true valuable human they really are.

Watch Death Note, Code Geass, Steins;Gate, Aldnoah.Zero, Btooom!, Darker than Black, Ergo Proxy, Future Diary, Monster, etc.. Watch some of these anime.
Ok, Picking randomly at... Btooom. what one intellectual benefit has it granted you? Having read rather alot of of books, I will see how I gained the same good from reading.
I'd say it's the XXX clubs. And bars, clubs, places with those who lack intellect and hastily intoxicate themselves. Vitiating the true valuable human they really are.

What's your basis on that? Can't an intellectual want to kick it back at a club/bar? Why does intoxication have to be "hastily"? How does this ruin one being human? Its part of being human.

Ok, Picking randomly at... Btooom. what one intellectual benefit has it granted you? Having read rather alot of of books, I will see how I gained the same good from reading.

Intellectual benefits, huh? It's a psychological anime with an intelligent main character. You see his morals fall apart in front of him as he struggles to survive. He told himself he wouldn't kill people, but when faced with the situation he realizes he let go of that ideal so quickly. It's entertaining and provides psychological insight. It also shows intelligence in his decision making and battle strategies.

Intellectual benefits, probably not in the way of learning a new skill, but in the insight it brings you. BTW, not everything needs to have an intellectual benefit, I don't know why that's so important to you.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Intellectual benefits, probably not in the way of learning a new skill, but in the insight it brings you. BTW, not everything needs to have an intellectual benefit, I don't know why that's so important to you.
Right now they say it is the best time for people like me to learn a language because right now is the best time for learning. I need to heed this time and use my time for intellectually beneficial activities. I like the idea of expanding my brain, I don't like keeping it idle

Sorry, i was thinking of those "beer games" where the aim is to be quick and consistent...for an intoxicant!

It also shows intelligence in his decision making and battle strategies.
This reminds me of leaving school after reading a book, and a student saying, "Atticus is so calm" (TO KILL A MOCKING BIRD) I was almost enraged, I didn't see any good in liking a fictional character. But that's irrelevant

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Why is this the best time?

Sure, expand your brain, but do it right. What your doing is similar to going on a diet you don't like. Sure, you can stick with it a while, but you'll burn out.

I need to heed this time and use my time for intellectually beneficial activities.

Like (I think) I've said before. I'm knowledgeable in a lot of things. Audio engineering, singing (music in general), hardware, gardening, home wiring (all around handyman pretty much - plumbing, drywall, etc..), stay up to date with science in general, understand politics, at least a master level at chess, beat the son of a world champion checkers player (which didn't mean much to me but he kept bragging about how he'd win so it feeds my ego), trained my body (flexible/strong/agile), aware of my surroundings (i remember once hearing people whispering about me across a noisy classroom, they never thought I'd actually hear them - being aware is important), I've done photo/video editing and such (pretty good at it), etc..

You name it, I at least have fiddled in it and probably do it better than most people. However, it didn't happen overnight and I've certainly never tried to cram all this as fast as possible. Though having natural talent in being able to pick up things easily and learn quickly does help a lot.
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I'll be honest, I don't see the appeal of strip clubs. First, I'm paying to get blue-balled? Second, I have an allowable threshold of probable boners/m^2 in my immediate vicinity, and a strip club is definitely above it.

what one intellectual benefit has it granted you?
Give me a fucking break, Rascake. If you stopped looking down your nose every once in a while you might see what a hypocrite your truly are. Are you seriously going to pretend you spend every waking moment expanding your mind? GFTO. The evidence against your claim is in this very forum.
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First, I'm paying to get blue-balled? Second, I have an allowable threshold of probable boners/m^2 in my immediate vicinity, and a strip club is definitely above it.

LoL, yea I never understood either, never even wanted to go into one. But I assume they have their reasoning or kink if people keep going.

Give me a fucking break, Rascake. If you stopped looking down your nose every once in a while you might see what a hypocrite your truly are. Are you seriously going to pretend you spend every waking moment expanding your mind? GFTO. The evidence against your claim is in this very forum.

Wreckage: ✔ But yes, I'm starting to think there's no way to get through to her logically.
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helios wrote:
First, I'm paying to get blue-balled?
Not necessarily, at least here in NYC every bar has private rooms.
Not necessarily, at least here in NYC every bar has private rooms.

I heard it depends on the place. Plus, it's not like prostitution is legal there. All they owe you for getting you in that room is a private dance.
closed account (367kGNh0)
Are you seriously going to pretend you spend every waking moment expanding your mind? GFTO.
I never claimed that. I wish that was true though. I may well be dead in truth perhaps. What will I do?

no way to get through to her logically.

The evidence against your claim is in this very forum.
What claim. But thanks for saying that. You have shown me something, more specifically someone. We should all be like @exar

Years ago, since he posted on this forum. He has seen the futility in wasting time here. And I will probably join him in his fast. After points in this post are satisfied
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Then you are admitting you're a hypocrite when you say films or TV are a waste of time, citing that they don't bring any intellectual benefit.
closed account (367kGNh0)
remind me when I said they don't please? I think I asked for the benefit, not claim it didn;t have it
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I never claimed that.

You claim it to be your intentions/goal at least, but then you judge the fact that I and others don't try to do that, even though you're proof life doesn't work like that.


Oh, so you're double screwed. This religion gives men a lot of freedom, yet you still try to keep your gaze away from the "opposite gender". It shows the grip the religion has on you, I don't think there's any saving you, sadly.

What claim.

The claim that you're trying not to waste time and spend as much time as possible indulging in intellectual stimulating things.

Go on, be free, live life, try to make the most of it, realize it was pointless, contemplate suicide, and then come back to forum because you have 20+ years worth of time to kill before you die.
closed account (367kGNh0)
and then come back to forum
It's the lounge really, I should be ashamed. How many people have lost second of their life at the time of my post. Those same seconds could be spend running the program which earn them the salary for their dear family. But, "can I strangle them now", that title seemed like it justified murder. Like the sarcastic justfication of somebody's horrific death is a joke/ Once their body is found in their office, face blue, their families will be devastated, etc.

I don't think there's any saving you, sadly.
From religion?

And it's just the forum, which has my attitude you find obnoxious, is there anything distateful on our little discussion for the pencil sound FX?
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But, "can I strangle them now", that title seemed like it justified murder. Like the sarcastic justfication of somebody's horrific death is a joke/ Once their body is found in their office, face blue, their families will be devastated, etc.

Literally device is far from literal. There's no reason to think that it was literal at all.

From religion?

Yes. Once it takes hold like this, logic and evidence do little persuade.

And it's just the forum, which has my attitude you find obnoxious, is there anything distateful on our little discussion for the pencil sound FX?

It's not obnoxious so much as slightly delusional. You find yourself making sense where I don't think you really do. And no, nothing distasteful about that discussion. It's a back and forth on a job, there's no real discussion to be distasteful about. I don't find our discussion here distasteful, more as I find it lacking and pointless.
remind me when I said they don't please? I think I asked for the benefit, not claim it didn;t have it
I stand corrected. You didn't give a reason, you just asserted that they're a waste of time. Which is still hypocritical.

How many people have lost second of their life at the time of my post.
Time never stops. Whether you're posting in an Internet forum or reading a book, your death is approaching at the same rate. If you think there's such a thing as wasting time then you should become a hedonist and extract the maximum pleasure out of every second. Intellectual pursuits will do you no good once you're dead.
If instead you want to argue that intellectual pursuits give you pleasure, you have no grounds to call watching movies or posting here a waste of time. At most you can say there are some things you personally enjoy doing more than others.
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closed account (367kGNh0)
Intellectual pursuits will do you no good once you're dead.
You say this as if the other peoples' freetime activities grant them a treasure for the grave.

Ok, basically if I am not mistaked, essentially you see that I, metaphorically "Can't be saved", what WOULD ,myself "being saved" look like?

"Oh goodness fish, your right, their is no flaw in watching pornography, how wrong I was!"
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You say this as if the other peoples' freetime activities grant them a treasure for the grave

If you derive pleasure from each moment, you've lived life to the "fullest" in a way. Going through intellectual endevours just for the sake of doing so is likely going to be boring and will not be the most pleasurable use of your time. You should do so only in things that'll benefit you during your life, because you wont take these things with you to the grave, so learning/gaining skills and doing things that wont actually benefit you in this life is meaningless. Is that easier to understand?
Ok, basically if I am not mistaked, essentially you see that I, metaphorically "Can't be saved", what WOULD ,myself "being saved" look like?

Who knows, at least not bound by religion. When you look at things in terms of the universe, science, and logic, you see things differently than through the eyes of religion, which is filtered through pointless spooky language and odd things God doesn't like you to do.

Through a viewpoint of wanting to understand, you see that life has no greater purpose, and what we find good or bad is simply an opinion since there aren't concrete things like that in the universe. So you say pornography is bad, but on the basis of what? Morality? Where is your morality stemming from? Religion?
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On the other hand, if you believe in an afterlife (which you probably do) then there's no such thing as "wasting time", because the time span of your consciousness is infinite. Within an infinite time span you can fit infinitely many seconds of activity A and still have infinitely many seconds of activity B.
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