(opinion)Child Entertainment between the UK and the US

Pages: 12
closed account (4w0o1hU5)
However, you both are not incorrect, I am to have to mention I was writing with grim images of what a beguiling the western world is.
Suppose a tsunami was to drown your city in 3 hours. You would consider saving your family via your vehicle as merely voluntary. Shan't you have some sense of duty?
I'm not going to let you reframe the discussion. We're not talking about what to do in an emergency situation, we're talking about the very real and important question of how you spend your finite and only life.
@GolBer: bad bot!
Not everyone has to become productive.

That sure describes you and your nonsensical idiocy to a T.

Another sock puppet for someone that tried the same crap a while back.
And now the loser runs away again, tail between his legs.
I hated the educational stuff. Most of it had no plot, no theme, and was ADHD ish -- just hop from topic to topic with no cohesion, and it felt like extended school hours.

Sounds like any episode of "Bill Nye, The Science Guy." Heh.
I loved Beakman's World. Among so many other things, it taught me about the particle-wave duality.
Never saw Beakman's World, or at least any one episode other than just a few seconds of it. Long enough to quickly change the channel.

I learned most of the "cool science" stuff reading books. A lot by Isaac Asimov, and the like.
closed account (1bRGhbRD)
Content sounds good, quantum mechanics is a plausible topic to introduce. But isn't the name itself fairly uncreative, @helios? "Beakman's World" Spend five minutes, it could have been called a word that doesn't exist. "Quatamesuchu"

Just an example, creativity really does deteriate with age, it seems. Some cartoon cliches

Wannabe little hero becomes one with some emcouragement
Cartoons with titles of the protagonists' names("name & name" "Charlie and Lola")

I feel so sorry for animators some times. Good talent, bad ideas. Work aplenty for a Lion King remake, only to have people label your intense effort with an F
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Spend five minutes, it could have been called a word that doesn't exist. "Quatamesuchu"
Why stop at pronounceable syllables? Why not a random assortment of glyphs from various writing systems? They could have called it "洟ᱚჹΔqҖݭऋᚪ".

Just an example, creativity really does deteriate with age, it seems.
I guess that must be why the greatest works of literature have all been written by children.

Work aplenty for a Lion King remake, only to have people label your intense effort with an F
The consensus is not that's it's a terrible film, but it's definitely mediocre, and that's understandable. Disney has deep enough pockets to gamble a bit. They're already making a pretty safe bet by remaking an old beloved classic; the least they could do is pay cartoonists to animate it, rather than use CGI, like every other movie being made these days.
closed account (1bRGhbRD)
(without sarcasm) utterly amusing!

I guess that must be why the greatest works of literature have all been written by children.
You take it as though my opinion applied to all

The consensus is not that's it's a terrible film, but it's definitely mediocre, and that's understandable. Disney has deep enough pockets to gamble a bit. They're already making a pretty safe bet by remaking an old beloved classic; the least they could do is pay cartoonists to animate it, rather than use CGI, like every other movie being made these days.
I suppose they still earn enough feed their family.
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Disney has been little more than a propaganda/political brainwashing machine for going on 50 years. They can pay the bills, but its not about producing anything good, its about using their brand name and wealth to push an agenda.
closed account (1bRGhbRD)
However it's influence on children(Anticipated End User) are not so clear. I personally believe they merely take away catchphrases to pass on as their own.
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Considering this is a lounge in which all but c++ related converstation is welcome

Programmers are like any other guild/professional group. They are going to talk about what things they enjoy most.

And for programmers who do C++ that would be talking about C++.

Not about how to solve programming problems, that is what the other fora are for.

Here it is chatting about what C++20 will offer, or other C++ bandwidth usage.
If you stopped making a new account every few weeks, maybe you'd have free time left to "expand" your mind like you've always wanted.
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Pages: 12