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Another project died (My engine) :( + Source code

If you dont want read all text and just want code get here>>https://github.com/iedxgamengine/IEDX
My engine not worked correctly in my hands but maybe its handful for another people so.

Hi and sadly (back 2 months ago i started my first game engine)
I go through so many problems.
I finnaly came here but 2 months wasted beacuse:
no one help me developing this engine so i developed solo..
i wasted 2 weeks on developing an a collision detection but it not works and i smashed the keyboards.I open (6 questions on stackoverflow they are closed with random reasons bad grammar etc...)
I wrote this engine with (C,C++,Asemmbly)
but its now in grave.
Thanks for all nice help camed from this forum (also i leaving forum beacuse no engine = no developer)

Sorry for bad grammar i from turkey.you know weird country name but just search it...

https://github.com/iedxgamengine/IEDX/ here the source code

I going to make my own coding language :) first language that doesnt have compiler errors.
Love to see your language, if it is finished.

PS: Try HTML. It dosen't work and never give errors ;)

Woah. Holy smokes. Where did you find this snippet? Was it chiselled on rock in an Egyptian tomb?

At a glance, the project looks aimless. At best, like someone doing some exploratory programming on game programming, not like a game engine. If you just want to make a game, most of the time it's easiest to just use an existing engine. I'd recommend Irrlicht, to get a feel of how an engine is typically structured, and because you can code your game in C++ and interface the logic tightly with the engine.
Funny enough, that piece of asm looks familiar (I mean, not exactly, but roughly). I think I remember seeing something similar in a YouTube video about programming a particular piece of hardware or DOS or something.

I might be able to give some more specific feedback later when I have time... but it seems a lot of people get this idea that they need to make a "game engine" instead of a just making a game. If you want to make a "game engine", then when planning your project, the question is, what are your goals for what a user of this game engine should be able to do?

Personally, I think that it's the wrong way of thinking for newcomers to think in terms of a making "game engine" from scratch. Instead, think about just make a game, with some basic mechanics and logic. The important thing is to get experience.

If you wanted to make a basic 2D game with a graphical window, I would suggest downloading and building SFML. https://www.sfml-dev.org/
SFML comes with a Graphics library that can do things like make rectangles, polygons, load textures, and the like. It also comes with very basic rectangle object collision detection (intersects, contains). And it can handle user mouse/keyboard input.
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my engine looks like this:


very similar :Ç
closed account (E8A4Nwbp)
Exclusively for game development, along with Ganado's message, cocos is more often tended to, has a very active forum and is simple to alter to your own needs, and comes with a complete physics engine, writing system, raycasting and so much more, look here (this is the javascript version, but c++ also has all these features: https://cocos2d-x.org/js-tests/ ).

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That looks pretty sick. It'd make for a cool visualization if you could make it respond reasonably to music.
Although I'm sure that wasn't the intended effect.
Just a few random thoughts, not in any particular order:

Your code seems all over the place. I can't get a feel for how any of it connects together.
For example, you have a display() function, but inside it you do stuff like:
if (tra_y > 3.0) {
		if (tra_y > 10) {
			tra_y = 0;
			neu = false;

Why is that there? I see no larger sense of organization. Are you displaying something, or updating the state of the game?

Also, you have so many global variables. This makes the overall state of your program harder to keep track of, and will lead to more bugs in the future.

But I think the important thing here: Keep coding. Practice makes perfect. But build up slowly, don't just throw a bunch of things together at the speed of light. Good development takes time and planning.
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The entry into programming is hard. Period. It requires a lot of commitment to master this phase. When you give up too early you will not get anywhere.

Using another language isn't the solution since the logical difficults will remain....
My approach to making own framework is this:

implement only stuff you need in your own projects, don't go anything beyond that.

I add new new functionality as directly needed by other project linking this library.

Anything more that this and you'll find your self a slave of your own framework which nobody is going to use anyway.
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