Assembly Question

Hope there's someone here who knows enough to help, haven't been understanding this.

I have two number variables and an answer variable (where I store the answer). I need to multiply the two variables and store it into the answer variable. This code does this, but no idea why:

mov al, [bNum2]
mov bl, [bNum3]
mul bl
mov [wAns11], ax

From what I've learned, mul should be saving into ax, which it does - so how does it know to grab bl and al to multiply together?? Whenever I try this:

mov ax, [bNum2]
mov al, [bNum3]
mul al
mov [wAns11], ax

It gives me the wrong answer, though it's a consistent one. I also don't understand why this one works:

mov ax, [bNum2]
mov ah, [bNum3]
mul ah
mov [wAns11], ax

Why did using al give me the wrong answer but ah give me the right one? What am I missing?

Thanks <3


I was looking at this:

The example on the site doesn't work when I use it with my variables:

mov  ax, [bNum2]
mov  cx, [bNum3]
mul  cx

This one gives me a random negative number. I don't get what's happening. Why aren't the different registries interchangeable?
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OOOhhhhh, is it because ax is having its information stored in al, so the second example doesn't work because it's multiplying bNum3 by itself - because it overwrites the original value written in ax. And the first example works because what we saved in a1 IS what mul uses when accessing ax.

Alright, I think I get it now. Would have helped if the professor had made it clear that al/ah and ax weren't different memory locations. I assume this applies to eax and rax as well.
> Performs an unsigned multiplication of the first operand (destination operand)
> and the second operand (source operand) and stores the result in the destination operagtnd
mul a b is equivalent to a *= b

> The destination operand is an implied operand located in register AL, AX or EAX
> (depending on the size of the operand)
mul b is equivalent to al *= b

> The result is stored in register AX (...)
> with the high-order bits of the product contained in register AH
so it's actually mul b === ax = al*b

mov al, [bNum3]
mul al
is equivalent to al*al, same as bNum3*bNum3

mov ax, [bNum2]
mov ah, [bNum3]
mul ah
'ah' is a byte, so that did ax = al*ah
`bNum2' happens to enter in al

mov  ax, [bNum2]
mov  cx, [bNum3]
mul  cx

because cx is a 'word' the result will be in dx:ax
(see table 4-9)

> Would have helped if the professor had made it clear that
> al/ah and ax weren't different memory locations
think of it like a union
al, lower bits of ax
ah, higher bits of ax

ax, lower bits of eax
to be very clear on intel each register is a letter, a,b,c etc. eax is still the A register. You can do work on small things (bytes, and I think 2-byte ints) all in one register if I remember it, and the bigger stuff (32, 64 bit) need a full register each. (I don't think they made instructions to access a 64 bit register as 2 32 bit ints, but I could be wrong). You mostly want to think of them as A register or B register, to keep it straight.
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The "e" in "eax" means "extended", BTW.

Thanks for the info guys! This professor just breezes through the material and barely explains along the way.


Thanks again guys, the more I read over these things the more sense it makes. Extremely helpful. Three comments on this post were more helpful than an entire class period with the professor !
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