
Pages: 123
There goes my life's work.

But Furry Guy is right– I now see the copyright says "2000-2021." So either the admin was really farsighted, or he's still lurking around somewhere...

While we're on the topic of trolls, I wish the admin would "stomp on" @againtry. While he is sometimes helpful, I think his rudeness outweighs his helpfulness.

By the way, many thanks to helios for his excellent MoronSilencer script!
The site's "copyright" is updated to 2021, and in the not too distant past we had a couple of very abusive trolls wrecking havoc. The buggers got stomped on. It took several months, but it happened.

How do you prevent someone from accessing a website though? Couldn't the troll just make a new account to continue his trolling business?
Couldn't the troll just make a new account to continue his trolling business?

Yes indeed, and that has happened before. Generally, after getting a few accounts in a row banned, the troll gets bored and moves on. (Or, in at least one case that I suspect, change their tack and become moderately useful forum contributors.)
or there is a bit of code that automatically generates the copyright string with the current year so he doesn't have to tweak it each year.

Yeah, that would make sense. Sounds like something I'd do, if I knew how.

chirumer wrote:
Couldn't the troll just make a new account to continue his trolling business?

Yeah, and I actually did that. My first account here was called "agent 21542" or something like that, and my first day posting here, I asked some guy why he kept using std:: in front of every standard object, instead of just using namespace std (I now know the possible issues that can arise from that). As a result, my account got banned from posting/commenting, soo I started this account (and actually read the rules this time).
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I asked some guy why he kept using std:: in front of every standard object, instead of just using namespace std (I now know the possible issues that can arise from that). As a result, my account got banned from posting/commenting

Yeah, and I actually did that. My first account here was called "agent 21542" or something like that, and my first day posting here, I asked some guy why he kept using std:: in front of every standard object, instead of just using namespace std (I now know the possible issues that can arise from that). As a result, my account got banned from posting/commenting, soo I started this account (and actually read the rules this time).

Huh! Why would that warrant a ban?
If memory serves, I was a bit more rude about it than I should have been.
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Pages: 123