Pet Peeves about Windows (Or Proof that Microsoft is Evil)

Pages: 123
Ok I wouldn't otherwise be so bitchy about microsoft if it weren't for their retarded default setting of
Hide Extensions for Known File Types

Not only is it stupid and needless, it also exposes the system to countless security threats. If someone sends you an email attatchment as Cute_little_bunny.jpg.exe or .vbs you will think its a benign cute pic of a bunny but its probably a virus.

And it really pisses me off that everytime I go to a computer lab I have to fix it to make it right, and with vista and windows 7 it can be a pain because the little options dialog box window thingie isn't available in some windows. (I have no idea why but i'm getting fed up with it)

Just my 2 cents.
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Well microsoft isnt evil, thats for sure, Apple is, but not microsoft. buuuut I do have lots of pet peeves about it.

For instance: the fact that it's whole desktop experience takes up WAY to much memory. DWM.exe and EXPLORER.exe shouldn't take a combined 40,000KBs
Personally I never used a Mac (and at the prices its set at, never will be able too) but I never had really any peeves about Windows. I mean I have had time where Windows (more so my PC and the makers of it components) have made me cry (AKA beat the crap out of things), but Windows usually never gets me that upset. Sure I have peeves, mainly toward Genuine Validation, auto-update required restarts (forced reboots), and my personal favorite the BSoD.

Otherwise the PC is where I go for being able to enjoy my hobby of physically building my own computer and choosing the parts, therefore making the machine my own. I will never get that satisfaction with a Mac as far as I can see. / Don't mention hackintosh as that's not a real way of officially building a Mac.
Apple has a long tradition of being "unique" and "exclusive". This can be seen from their MacOS from their early days even to now their mobile development iPhone, iPad etc.

I make a daring comment. Apple OS was "dying" under M$ Windows pressure until their iPod, iPhone, iPad etc revived their fortunes. But they still hold firm to their long tradition. If they don't change that mind-set any time soon, Android, RIM, Samsung Bada, Nokia Symbian etc will be going to overtake them once again.

Didn't Apple learn a lesson from history? In software, you never should impose restriction. In fact, you should make it more open and easily accessible even if it means at the expense of piracy of your intellectual property. On the good side, going by this open route, you have a chance to reach out to much more people around the world. Once they are "hooked" on your software, then start business plan to charge monies since those users are already held ransom isn't it ?

M$ business strategy over the years to me is much better than Apple. I meant those DOS days era until now.
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wolfgang you have heard of linux right?
Yes I have Seraphimsan, unfortunately it is not my cup of tea. I may gradually move on to using it just as much as Windows but at this time I'm pretty comfortable in my love/hate relationship with MS Windows.
kk, that sounds good.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
My peeve with MS is their naming convention for data types.


In a humble shouldn't have to refer to a reference manual to be able to decipher type names. It just seems like there's a 30% rule with how many characters of a concept that they use in their naming convention.

t wld b lk tpng a sntnc lk tis.
(It would be like typing a sentence like this).

*Edit* - Also, seems that the caps-lock keys were sticking when they designed that part of the winapi.
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My peeve with MS is their naming convention for data types.

That is called Hungarian notation which I also dislike. It is mostly likely invented by a Hungarian programmer working in the early Windows development at M$.

Now until today I don't know that Hungarian programmer name but his "invention" is classic and the legacy last until today year 2011 !!!!

In a way, this unknown Hungarian programmer achieved some "fame" for his invention :P
He's not unknown. His name is Charles Simonyi. I just posted about this the other day:
Oops miss your post. Will go read the history.

closed account (z05DSL3A)
Seraphimsan wrote:
Well microsoft isnt evil, thats for sure, Apple is, but not microsoft.
They are both as bad or as good as each other.
Hungarian Notation

I thought hungarian notation was doing arithmatic operations like this:
2, 2 + to signify 2 + 2
That's reverse polish notation
Then what's reverse hungarian notation?
Never heard of it personally, but I imagine it would be placing the type abbreviation on the end of the variable name instead of the front.
There's no reverse hungarian notation.
Every time I have to load XP for something... I facepalm because of how many notification bubbles pop up. I know I can tweak the behaviour somehow, but I just can't be bothered!

Pop. Pop. *close* Popopop. *ugh. close. close.*

WHAT MORE COULD YOU HAVE TO TELL ME???! Also I like my desktop shortcuts just the way they are! Go away or I'll hold the button down to turn you off.
Encoding the type of a function into the name (so-called Hungarian notation) is brain damaged—the compiler knows the types anyway and can check those, and it only confuses the programmer.

-Linus Torvalds

bool boolCheckCondition;//repetition is considred bad style in human languages. Why should it be good in programming?
Don't hold the button, it's dangerous.

Any windows greater then 98, ruined my diskettes.
I think that I would not use XP if it weren't for the UE version.
Also they provide little compatibility. I could not play AOE2C (its game) without killing the explorer (in windows7)
Pages: 123