Glass Technology

Pages: 123
Much of these concepts are already in use today. A great vision of things to come... think of the software needed to run these systems and the level of optimization required.
I actually don't like this video. Too pristine and pretty, and looks a lot like a microsoft commercial.
It's a Corning Inc. commercial
It's not a commercial from a software company, just Corning Inc.'s vision of where they see things down the road.
I don't like the idea of everything having a screen. It's a little too 1984 for me...
Lol XD
A little too 1984? what does that mean? lol what do you propose the human interact with instead of a screen of some sort?
I like the looks of it, but - as tition said - it's displayed too pretty. I must say I liked the look of the interfaces though (though that's more a software based concern). The book at the near end looked nice too.
Looks interesting...but that plastic looking glass at the end looked creepy.
I couldn't stand the music so I stopped watching.

Also I don't really like touch screens =x

I'm waiting for the day where they start implanting microchips, etc into people's brains a la Ghost in the Shell / Stand Alone Complex. That's a future I can get excited about.
Disch wrote:
I'm waiting for the day where they start implanting microchips, etc into people's brains a la Ghost in the Shell / Stand Alone Complex. That's a future I can get excited about.

Why is that something you can get excited about? I swear this generation is ripe for the Borg. The day they offer chip implants everyone will just line up for installation and guess what... I'll be writing the programs MUAHAHAHAH.

A coworker of mine owned stock in a company that was developing a product similar to that plastic looking glass the guy was using as a book, can't remember the name of it.

...and of course my wife just wants the stove depicted.
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closed account (zb0S216C)
Everything based on glass? Lock the C.H.A.V's up and throw away the key( Which should of been done along time ago ).
Why is that something you can get excited about?

You get what you want (on some level) with just a thought.

Why use a calculator when you can do calculations with a thought? Or use a phone? etc

Nevermind the possibility of hooking into other things and controlling them remotely.

And just think what it would do for paraplegics / prosthetics.
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Then there's also virtual reality, data storage, the potential for excelled brain processing speeds, etc.

Basically anything badass :P
Yeah that too. It would be freaking revolutionary. Consciousness would mean something brand new. It'd be amazing.
Yet no one has mentioned the vulnerabilities associated with this. Say this technology is available, and that chip is wired right into your brain... so now your mind/body can be hacked. All it takes is one program for you to kill yourself or others... but I see this generation not caring about such a threat. Even now I watch how teenagers can't handle being unplugged from the hive be it facebook, twitter, texting, cell phones etc... Technology is advancing too quickly and no one has stopped to think about the consequences.
Say this technology is available, and that chip is wired right into your brain... so now your mind/body can be hacked. All it takes is one program for you to kill yourself or others

Developing/distributing such a program wouldn't be easy. And there are security measures that could easily be taken.

Besides there's risks in everything. When you consider all of the things that could go wrong with even the most basic of modern technology you can make it all sound extremely dangerous, but really it's no big deal. Our day to day lives all function just fine.

Even now I watch how teenagers can't handle being unplugged from the hive be it facebook, twitter, texting, cell phones etc... Technology is advancing too quickly and no one has stopped to think about the consequences.

This has nothing to do with technology advancing. It has to do with being separated from what you've grown to accept as normal.

Before it was facebook, twitter, etc -- people would have freaked out if there were no computers.

Before computers they would have freaked out if there were no cars.

Before cars they would have freaked out if there was no electricity

Before that, indoor plumbing

Before that, modern housing

Before that, farming equipment

etc, etc.

There are always things we perceive that we can't live without, even though they aren't necessities in the strictest sense. I don't see why there's anything wrong with that. All it is is adapting to a growing world.

The fogies that are against it can go back to wearing animal hides, living in caves, and hunting for food with sharpened rocks. =P

but wait those sharpened rocks are also a form of technology and could be misused to kill people... hmmmmm
Not to mention cave-ins, bacteria and the like in animal hides, bear attacks during a hunt..

In fact, we should return to being monkeys.
You completely missed my point... I'm not even going to bother.
Pages: 123