Random pet peeve: '\0'

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@Grey Wolf

I prefer systems that are Simple and Fully Capable.

But you can't have both. With capability usually comes complexity.

For example compare a UNIX shell versus a Windows command line. Or software that can only do what's on the menu & in the Dialog box, versus software that allows scripting & unlimited configuration via files.

Or software that acts intelligently when things change. For example with Civil3D, one has the ability to configure every element of the design, and when one changes 1 thing like the width of the road or the horizontal centre line alignment, the software updates everything. With older type software, one has to go through & manually run various commands to update plans, long sections, cross sections, various reports, quantities etc
TheIdeasMan wrote:
@Grey Wolf
But you can't have both.
How long have you been on this site and you haven't looked into the STL?

L B wrote:
How long have you been on this site and you haven't looked into the STL?

Har har lol.

I could argue that the STL is reasonably complex - there are numerous containers & algorithms, even though they might be easy to use individually, there are a number of combinations of ways of using them - hence the complexity. The STL is not so simple that one can learn all of it in a short time.
Many people consider walking to be simple, I assume you learned it in a short time as you suggest simple things should be learned in?
closed account (z05DSL3A)
TheIdeasMan wrote:
But you can't have both. With capability usually comes complexity.
and wrote:
For example with Civil3D, one has the ability to configure every element of the design, and when one changes 1 thing like the width of the road or the horizontal centre line alignment, the software updates everything.
Isn't that an example Simple and Fully Capable?

Unless of course we are talking cross purposes, I'm talking about Simple to use but functionally capable of a lot.
> (Windows) it is very backwards compatible. Meaning that ancient programs still work fine on it
I've got to kill the explorer in order to play aoe2c.
ne555 wrote:
kill the explorer

Poor explorer
The game uses a different graphics driver with a completely different color palette - if the game crashes you actually have to uninstall the driver to make your screen stop looking at you like it is on acid.
I've never experienced that, although have had to kill explorer to get the game palette to work. The new HD version works fine though.
A new, free AoE2 expansion (Forgotten Empires) silently adds a fix.exe that, when run, fixes this problem.
(Working like a patch, you only need to run it once)


If you only want the Fix.exe and trust my Dropbox:

So... Is it Windows' fault? It's a AoE developer's fault instead.
Last edited on
So... Is it Windows' fault? It's a AoE developer's fault instead.

definitely the game developer's fault!
Anyone remember the tutorial on the HeavenGames download center for the game called "How to write an install script" that actually taught you how to mod the game into a completely new game?
No, but that sounds really interesting.
So I guess L B stands for Lavender Butterfly? :)
No, it actually stands for pLasma Ball (because PB stands for Peanut Butter)
> So... Is it Windows' fault? It's a AoE developer's fault instead.
The game worked perfectly fine in windows 98, xP and Vista (IIRC)
Besides, the publisher is Microsoft...
ne555 wrote:
Besides, the publisher is Microsoft...

I know, I know :D

L B wrote:
No, it actually stands for pLasma Ball (because PB stands for Peanut Butter)

I didn't make that up on the spot, it's been my explanation for years ;)
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