Best c++ editors?

Pages: 12
My professor is making us do a few c++ projects with bash and I was wondering what editors you guys would recommend. I've heard of editors such as emacs, vim, and nano. Which ones are the best? Thanks.
I recommend nano since is easy to use but has all the features you need
I recommend vim since it is convenient and powrful
emacs is horrible, I dont' recommend it.
On Windows, I use Notepad++ and then SCP or FTP over to Linux to compile and run.

For short program, I use vi editor in Linux.
i have tried vi,nano,but i find this little tool called 'komodo edit' really helpful.
Note: use it in a GUI environment.
What about a IDE like eclipse.
It is easy and powerful.
... and horribly horribly slow.
Three thumbs down for eclipse, notepad (or gedit) is better.
I disagree with Eclipse being easy. Powerful, yes. In the end, if you have a very complex and/or huge project, I would definitely recommend using it.

However, I also recommend nano. :)

I believe IDE is more worthwhile when you have large or complex project where you need to manage a lot of files, pic, sound all over the place. Such IDE make that task easy in comparison to you having to do the management yourself.
closed account (3hM2Nwbp)
Are you using a SSH client to access the terminal like Putty or something, or are you on an actual terminal based system? Back a few years I had to SSH into a terminal to submit assignments. It was all good except for hitting Control-S, which a Windows user would believe saves the file you're working on, instead seemingly locks up the session. Eventually, after inventing a dozen new expletives and ventingI started doing all of my assignments with Visual Studio and then sending the completed (and tested) files to the linux system. My opinion is biased from all of the frustration that bash caused me, but I would have to recommend Visual Studio if your situation allows for it.
It's just text. Use whatever you like...

Emacs and Vi are both very customizable--and that is where you realize their benefits. If you aren't in a given environment for the long-term, which editor probably won't matter at all.
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if u are a starter go for code::blocks.. its easy and simple for a beginner! :)
for win:
I love UltraEdit and NotePad ++ ( Open Source)
for Linux
Vi, Vim , Ecllipse

I hate emacs

Talking purely about editors, I would go with gedit. Talking about code editing, I would prefer to be able to test it without opening other programs fiddling around with it; I'd go with an IDE. In my case that IDE is Code::Blocks.
Personally I also like to use gedit, although I use it for everything (from editing config files to writing programs). I rarely use an IDE, they always seem to get in my way.

If I'm already using the command-line I tend towards nano, because it's very easy to use, has useful features without being bloated, and I like the way it handles long lines. It also has very nice syntax highlighting.

Emacs and Vi[m] are advanced text editors. Both of them have a very steep learning curve, but when you see someone experienced use one of them, you understand why they took the time learning how to use it.
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If you are running Linux, I would definitely recommend you take your time and learn either Emacs or 'vi', Emacs is my favourite, and is the most powerful one of the two, but 'vi' is almost as good. Both are hard to learn, but you will get plenty of payback. when I say 'vi', I mean 'vim'.
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Emacs is also my favourite, but it has a bit more of a learning curve than vi/vim.

vi/vim takes a bit of getting used to, but it is reasonably easy to learn the basic commands and keyboard controls, not to mention they're short.

If it is for a short time, I'd recommend nano unless you're in a GUI environment (in which case I'd recommend Kate or gedit or even Code::Blocks, though gedit definitely has my vote here). It is easy to learn, though not very powerful, but you don't need it to be either, right?

Try at least two of them if you can. I'd start with nano and if you can't stand it, consider vi/vim. I'd save emacs for last because who in their RIGHT minds sees "C-x C-c" as "Ctrl-x Ctrl-c"? I knew I was crazy for a reason. :P
chronokitsune wrote:
who in their RIGHT minds sees "C-x C-c" as "Ctrl-x Ctrl-c"?

Ugh, I know, it's obviously "^X" and "^C" for "CTRL + X" and "CTRL + C" respectively.
I use:
Gui editors (gedit) for C++ C and Perl (essentially all real programming).
Terminal editors (nano) for makefiles, crontabs, shell scripts etc. (where the formatting matters).
sed, ed, or ex when I want to edit things automatically.
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Pages: 12