UNIX/Linux Programming - June 2014 (Page 2)

Help debugging heat_conduction code
This is a simple code I'm trying to write to evaluate the analytical solution of heat conduction in ablative materials. It should be creating a file that ha...
[8 replies] Last: When in doubt about order in C++ just put ( ) around it. Scoping in C+... (by vaportrack)
socket message.
My problem is in line 162 i need check if my buffer is = 'add' to do something. but it does not work as the message is not = 'add' #include <stdio.h> #...
[6 replies] Last: Break you program into functions. Use proper indentation. Pun th... (by kbw)
by Ritik
Array doesnt accept more than 6 values
I wrote a simple code to search an element in an array that can be input by the user. However, the array does not take more than 6 values. Here is the code. (I...
[5 replies] Last: So, there is no other way than vector by which I can create an array ... (by dhayden)
where i find this header? sqlite3 do not have it. #include <stdio.h> #include <sqlite3.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "mysqlite.h" int...
[8 replies] Last: OK, thanks, i'll do it. (by legendarysnake)
Newton's Method
For the equation: xsinx = cosx There are an infinite number of answers. To find them by iteration, you must use newton's method where: x(n+1) = x(n) - ...
[2 replies] Last: I wonder if you're loosing precision because you're doing 100 iteratio... (by dhayden)
by dero
wrong character encoding
hey all hope u guys can help me out as it is urgent... when trying to open a file on my flash memory this error keeps popping out gedit has not been able ...
[8 replies] Last: You could edit the file in a hex editor and append the two characters ... (by ajh32)
Socket Example
Can someone provide me an example of a socket program with multiple users and login. I Actually have this code: and i want know how can i create a lt variab...
[6 replies] Last: i know, i will encrypt it is working fine here with password, thanks. (by legendarysnake)
boost::match_results not empty but cannot access
I'm using boost::regex to capture specific format strings from a html file. Here is a piece of my code: for( unsigned i = 0; i != resNum; ++i ) { str...
[2 replies] Last: It sure does help to look at the documentation for the library you are... (by cire)
error with lazy foo project
error while trying to compile http://lazyfoo.net/SDL_tutorials/lesson23/index.php http://tinypic.com/r/zswr5i/8
[5 replies] Last: Yeah, he is. I just attempted it with gcc on my linux box and got same... (by BHX)
Need help with GSL(gnu scientific library).
I have to solve eigenvalue problem for complex hermitian matrix. I decided to use GSL library and everything goes smooth, code is compiling, but I cannot execut...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks a lot! This solved my problem so far! (by Silneus)
Remote control of C++ program in Ubuntu via HTTPS
I have an emulator program written in C++ running on Ubuntu 12.04. There are some settings and options needed for running the program. I need to query and contr...
[2 replies] Last: I need to query and control these options via HTTPS from a remote mac... (by kbw)
Best GUI interface for C++ programming
Hello, I have my own Apache server with Oracle8 Java, and C++ compilers. I use Ubuntu 12.04. I soon will have a summer C++ class and I would like to have ...
[7 replies] Last: I use Netbeans with the Clang C++ compiler which is totally C++11 comp... (by kkruecke)
Where can I get the Linaro make executable?
I want to use Linaro to cross-compile from my Windows 7 desktop to my BeagleBone Black that is running Angstrom. In one of my previous posts, I was informed ...
[1 reply] : The linaro toolchain for Windows should have all required binaries inc... (by codewalker)
TicTacToe game
Hello, I`m now learning C++ and found a code which is a tictactoe game. Now I try to understand what each part of the code does and maybe improve it at some po...
[3 replies] Last: I get error message after that... Please can anybody say what I did wr... (by pacman169)
June 2014 Pages: 12
  Archived months: [may2014] [jul2014]

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