UNIX/Linux Programming - March 2017

Undefined reference to
Hello, I'm trying to find out why I get this error. The test code is as follow: main.cpp: --------- #include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include "stac...
[1 reply] : All of the template code has to go in the header file. (by TheIdeasMan)
by qtsoft
64 bits(8 bytes) time stamp
I'm not sure where to post this, but here goes: I'm trying to understand how a binary file (.olk Outlook office 2016 for MAC) works. I'm using a hex edito...
[2 replies] Last: It appears to be a double number dumped into the file: const unsigne... (by helios)
Replacement for conio.h on mac
Hi I want to make games that use AWDS(keyboard-commands), but i just found out that conio.h does not work on mac. I where then wondering if there is a good ...
[1 reply] : https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1176684?tstart=0 (by Thomas1965)
Compile .cc and .cpp files using single command in makefile
hello, I want to include .cc files in an existing embedded c++ SDK. There is a rule in the Makefile which says: $(OBJFILE):%.o:%.cpp $(CXX) -v -c -o $@...
[6 replies] Last: You can run make -p and see a detailed rules. I also recommend a good ... (by benhart)
Need help understanding what to do(read, write, getopt)
So i have an assignment to due for my UNIX class were I need to implement these features to a program I already made which was suppose to read and write a file ...
[5 replies] Last: Here is code to parse the command line using getopt #include <iostrea... (by dhayden)
by halfs
How do I get pqxx (the C++ API for Postgres) to work when my database authentication requires a password?
I installed C++, Postgres, and postgresql-devel on CentOS 7.3. I installed libpqxx-4.0 too. I then created this add_employee.cxx file and based it on the "brie...
[1 reply] : Never heard of, but a websearch ... http://stackoverflow.com/questions... (by keskiverto)
Installing linux on a laptop with no windows
My Dell laptop does not have a windows. The windows got problems, and right now the laptop is almost unusable, at-least it turns on. I really need to use Linux ...
[3 replies] Last: Is it possible to install an operating system (OS) on a laptop that ha... (by keskiverto)
  Archived months: [feb2017] [apr2017]

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