How to switch between Forms in Visual C++?

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 (If that matters)
and I am working on a project
I can open form 2 from form 1 but...

The errors come when i try to SWITCH BACK TO FORM 1 FROM FORM 2..

What am I supposed to do?
Error messages are useful. Try googling them, or post the exact messages here.

Describe step-by-step how to reproduce your problem.
talk about your problem specifically
from what little you give us, I have thoughts..

are you creating the form modally? This setting means that "whatever you just invoked is in charge until closed, you can't swap out of it" which is useful for OK type messages that require information from user to proceed, but poor for forms that are side by side, because you can't swap! Back in the day this was done via "do modal" in some places and a setting in the widget itself in other cases. Dunno about how its done currently (not that 2013 is remotely current, you should upgrade so you can use c++ 17 features).

If this isn't the problem, we need more info.

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