GUI tutorials?

Is there any good C++ GUI tutorials on the web some where? I may have just missed them but I can't find anything relevant. Thanks for the suggestions.
Lots, but there a a bazillion different ways of making a GUI depending on your OS and language of choice.

Start here, pick the one you like (or decide you'd prefer to work directly with the OS API, which I do not recommend), and then find the tutorials for it:
Well that confused me, the IDE that I use is Code::Blocks. I have Visual Studio C++ Express, but it's all Greek to me.
Here is a good one that I learned quite a bit from. It's the best Win32 API tutorial.
The tutorial given by Stewbond is good but it as a MAJOR problem. I already pointed it out to the author but who knows when it will be corrected. Before you read much of that tutorial, be sure you read my answer in this post: .
You won't have the problem WebJose described with CodeBlocks because it doesn't assume any particular character set, but you definitely will run into the difficulty he described if you use Visual Studio with the Forger's tutorial. You'll find more background on those issues here...

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