Windows Programming - April 2015

Using SQLPrimaryKeys ODBC
I had created a small program based on WinAPIs that reads from SQL Server 2008 R2. I am using ODBC 3 to connect to database and doing different statements (sele...
[2 replies] Last: Thanks for your update. It was really helpful. However, I was not able... (by ahbazzi)
by MIZ
Should I learn win32
Is it good to learn the win32 Api ? Also is it true most libraries are written on top of win32 Api And what kind of things can I do in win32 api? I know gui ...
[6 replies] Last: Any good sources/tutorials on learning Windows API? You could start... (by closed account z05DSL3A)
Window Structure Using Classes
I created a window using a class which can be modified and is set up to be a basis for future projects for anyone. I try to show pit falls that can show up ...
[1 reply] : This might interest you Alice ... (by freddie1)
program does not run in Windows 7
I recently wrote a program on my windows xp machine and now want to run in on a windows 7 machine off a network drive. when I try to run it I get the spinning ...
[1 reply] : Not sure if this is your problem but do you have the C/C++ Runtime lib... (by ahcfan)
design tower of hanoi game with C++ using stack
My problem I want design tower of Hanoi game with C++ using stack But i do not know how can i start and what IDES use Question 1-Can i use windows form foe ...
[1 reply] : up (by ebdaa3sea)
Code that shows "Please Wait" Message while doing a lengthy operation (ERROR C2440)
Hi, I have very basic knowledge of C++ and I don't understand completely how this works. I have been trying to use pthreads in order to be able to show a "Pl...
[1 reply] : morning, Are you aware that code isn't pure C++? http://en.wikipedia.... (by mutexe)
win32: how avoid flickers?
i continue with several problems with flickers :( i know that i must use WS_CLIPCHILDREN parent style. and Regions, with child controls, for get transparency....
[8 replies] Last: i'm using a timer for animation with a button, using the WM_PAINT. so ... (by Cambalinho)
Capture screen with bitblt is too slow
My code used GetDC(0) to get the Desktop DC and GetDIBSection & BitBlt to get RGB pixel array. Actually it would work well for a single screenshot , but when...
[4 replies] Last: thanks again dude, I think I shall start to learn WIC and direct2D now... (by hankstr100)
C\C++ - win32: can i copy the parent background?
we have a child control on parent. can i copy what is on parent background, where is the child control? i used the BitBlt() but i get a black rectangle. i don'...
[3 replies] Last: It's just a matter of passing in the parent's window handle I can't r... (by kbw)
c# value vs. reference
I'm just beginning C#. My book states that a "struct Foo" will perform myFoo1 = myFoo2 as copy by value. But with a "class Foo", myFoo1 = myFoo2 will copy by ...
[1 reply] : structs in C# are certainly rarely used to avoid to permanently copy t... (by coder777)
by J031
Directx programming
How much Windows programming do i need to learn before learning directx programming.
[3 replies] Last: thanks TarikNeaj (by J031)
flashing console every time I start up my program
I am working on a program that calls an .exe. When ever I run the application I get a console window flashing every time I start the my program. What I would ...
[no replies]
by snippo
the question is  Open the file (CUSTOMERS) that maintains all the CUSTOMERS records.  Ask the user to enter the required data Cust.Name, and then sav...
[1 reply] : Please, do not doublepost. Other thread: (by keskiverto)
C program
i have a very hard time doing this. can someone help me? Restaurant POS (Point of Sale) System Create a basic Restaurant Point of Sale software using C-Lang...
[no replies]
MinGW and WinPcap, can't fix warning
I've recently moved from MSVC 2010 compiler to MinGW 4.9.1. I've changed everything I needed in my app, fixed all warnings except this one: deprecated conver...
[4 replies] Last: Thanks, that fixed the warning. (by Clint Westwood)
by ahcfan
How to calculate bitmap stride?
Using IWICBitmap->CopyPixels() I must specify the bitmap stride. It's supposed to be (width * (bitsperpixel / 8)) + padding. Is it safe to assume there is no pa...
[1 reply] : Is it safe to assume there is no padding ever, No. The padding mu... (by Disch)
win32 - how create a bitmap Region?
how can i create a bitmap Region? i did these function for create a bitmap Region: class MemoryDC { private: HDC memoryDC; public: MemoryDC () { ...
[2 replies] Last: now works fine: BYTE* Get24BitPixels(HBITMAP pBitmap, WORD *pwWidth, ... (by Cambalinho)
by tec23
Can I use EndDialog in WM_CLOSE
I have a main dialog box created with DialogBox in WinMain. I use EndDialog in WM_COMMAND to close the dialog box. This is the window procedure for it INT_P...
[3 replies] Last: But I need to define something else to the value 2 to be used in WM_C... (by andywestken)
Charles Petzold Poppad Program
Can any one tell me how to understand charles petzold poppad program in detail i need to edit it for that i need to understand code of dialogue boxes
[3 replies] Last: Then post the first couple lines you are stuck on and ask for an expla... (by freddie1)
GetWindowThreadProcessId Exhibits Weird Behavior
I wrote a program that calls GetWindowThreadProcessId. This function will either return a DWORD with the process ID if the second argument is NULL, or the secon...
[3 replies] Last: OK, thanks. I really should skim less. (by Jack41EL)
April 2015 Pages: 123
  Archived months: [mar2015] [may2015]

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